
  • The drama unfolds

    01 December 2006

    It's been a dramatic few weeks or so, in the debate around climate change in general, and emissions trading in particular. The period began, on 30 October, with the much-anticipated release of the Stern Review. This 575-page report, commissioned by the UK Treasury and written by a former World Bank chief economist, has transformed the debate about the economics of climate change.

  • Progress, just about

    01 December 2006

    As the warnings from the climate scientists become more high-pitched, the talks on extending the international climate regime continue at a low drone. So what comes next? Mark Nicholls reports from Nairobi

  • Leading the way

    01 December 2006

    Few details have yet emerged as to how California's regulators are to implement the state's ground-breaking climate change legislation. Jason Patrick considers some of the issues they – and market participants – face

  • A statement of intent

    01 December 2006

    Investors are increasingly aware of the impact of climate change on returns. But how should they respond to the ­challenge? A new investor initiative aims to show the way, say Stephanie Pfeifer, Rory Sullivan and Mark Kenber

  • Tracking down the data

    01 December 2006

    Companies are working overtime to get a better understanding of their environmental impacts. Vijay Gudivaka looks at the growing market for more effective environmental data management

  • Taming the tigers

    01 December 2006

    Asia's explosive economic growth has come at enormous environmental cost. But investors – with a little help from Melissa Brown and ASrIA – could help shift the region's ­development trajectory. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Banking on the positive

    01 December 2006

    Mark Nicholls reports on how the UK arm of Triodos Bank is making a push into investment banking – and taking a typically unconventional approach

  • A changing climate in Washington?

    01 December 2006

    Environmentalists hailed the Democratic victories in the US mid-term elections. But those hoping for rapid action on greenhouse gases are ­likely to be disappointed, reports Ray Pospisil

  • Schwarzenegger under fire on emissions trading plans

    01 November 2006

    California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed an executive order on 17 October proposing that any future greenhouse gas (GHG) 'cap-and-trade' scheme in the state be linked to other US regional schemes and the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS).

  • Evolution Markets raises $15 million

    01 November 2006

    Leading environmental markets broker Evolution Markets has raised $15 million that will, among other things, fund a push into investment banking and biofuels. The money – the first external financing the company has raised – came from Hartford, Connecticut private equity group CCP Equity Partners.