
  • Free webinar: Exploring sustainable bond trends in the fourth quarter

    26 January 2022

    Join the Environmental Finance Bond Database team today (26 January) for a free webinar

  • Milestone $1trn sustainable bond issuance crossed in 2021

    26 January 2022

    The long-anticipated $1 trillion issuance milestone was finally reached in 2021, laying the groundwork for another record-breaking year in 2022. Ahren Lester writes

  • Real estate decarbonisation standard under construction

    18 January 2022

    A global standard for the real estate sector to set 'science-based' targets that help restrict global temperature rise to 1.5°C is set for release in April, it has been revealed.

  • Basel Committee proposes 18 climate risk principles

    16 November 2021

    The global standard setter of banking regulation has proposed 18 'principles' for managing and supervising climate-related financial risk.

  • SBTi launches draft financial sector net-zero 'foundations'

    11 November 2021

    The Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has published its draft net-zero 'foundations' for financial institutions aimed at creating a "common language" around net-zero concepts and target setting for the sector.

  • Basel Committee prepares to publish climate 'principles'

    10 November 2021

    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is preparing to publish a set of 'principles' for the supervision of climate-related financial risks at banks.

  • SBTi launches Net-Zero Standard, a 'weapon against greenwashing'

    28 October 2021
  • SBTi says its net zero standard will tackle 'weak' corporate target-setting

    11 October 2021

    A standard for corporate net-zero target setting due to be published this month will require external verification in an effort to clamp down on "weak" and "inconsistent" pledges.

  • Ford raises $15bn in first sustainability-linked facilities from a US automaker

    04 October 2021

    Ford Motor Company has signed sustainability-linked revolving credit facilities worth a combined $15.5 billion, making it the first US automaker to tie its facilities to sustainability performance targets and one of the largest borrowers globally through this type of instrument.

  • $3.2trn investor group to 'step-up' chemical sector emissions engagement

    09 September 2021

    An investor working group has been formed to "step-up" engagement with major chemical firms around their carbon emissions, arguing the sector has been "neglected" by investors as being 'hard-to-abate'.