In July, the African nation of Gabon reported it would be coming to market with a multi-million-ton offering of emissions reductions, achieved since it endorsed the Paris Agreement in 2015, under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) REDD+ mechanism.
Gabon is a country with a strong political commitment to preserving rainforests – and has been for over thirty years. Since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, the country has maintained low deforestation rates and high levels of forest cover.
Ahead of COP27, the government will be issuing its first REDD+ sovereign carbon credits. Comprising over 90 million metric tons of emissions reductions, the carbon removals result from accomplished and audited national conservation efforts and emissions reductions under UNFCCC REDD+ (2010-2018). During this period, Gabon successfully reduced deforestation and degradation of forests across the country, and enhanced carbon stocks through active forest management. At the same time, Gabon has sustained and increased its biodiversity with success stories like saving the African forest elephant and protecting other key species, like gorillas.
A corporate decision to allocate capital toward climate mitigation outcomes is increasingly complex.
Join the webinar to learn how Gabon's UNFCCC REDD+ sovereign carbon credits can help maximize your corporation's climate mitigation potential while minimizing climate risk exposures