ISS ESG: Shaping transition by regulation


As January 2023 approaches, a look at how ESG regulation has steered ESG investing. How prepared are you to face the challenges in reporting and regulatory requirements? How have regulatory data offerings evolved to support the implementation of the EU Taxonomy and SFDR? What's next for ESG regulation? Come and join the discussion.


Guilain Cals
Senior Policy Officer ESMA
Ronja Wöstheinrich
Associate Vice President, ESG Methodology - Regulatory Solutions & Fixed Income ISS ESG
Victor Van Hoorn
Managing Director ICI
Michael Hurley (Moderator)
Deputy Editor Environmental Finance

Discussion areas

  • January 2023 is fast approaching – assess your readiness to complete pre-contractual and periodic reporting templates for SFDR article 8 & 9 products as well as Principal Adverse Impact statements for your institution
  • Explore how regulatory data offerings evolve to support the practical implementation of EU Taxonomy and SFDR
  • Understand common challenges linked to EU Sustainable Finance policies and learn how other affected Financial Market Participants address them
  • Intended and unintended effects of ESG Regulation – how has regulation affected the state of ESG investing to date?
  • What next for ESG Regulation? The future of Taxonomies and the advent of global, regional and jurisdictional disclosure and labelling regimes

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