10 December 2014

The results are in: Annual Market Rankings winners announced

Top brokers, dealers and service providers have been named in Environmental Finance's 15th Annual Market Rankings.

The Rankings are the largest and most closely watched poll of sentiment across the carbon, renewable energy certificates, weather risk and catastrophe risk markets. They are based on more than 1,000 votes cast by readers and other participants in the markets that Environmental Finance covers.

Firms were not allowed to vote for themselves, but the winners received votes from clients and peers who judged that they had provided the best service over the past 12 months.

"Optimism has returned to many of the markets we cover, particularly in the carbon world" said Peter Cripps, editor of Environmental Finance. "The winners of our 15th Annual Market Rankings are in many cases those that have persevered through the bad times, and are well placed for an upturn."

The biggest winners were in many cases companies that were pioneers in their sectors. Broker Evolution Markets, which won seven awards, was founded in 2000, while the leading law firm in the carbon markets, Baker & McKenzie, set up its climate change and clean energy practice in 1997.

The US Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) markets report increases in pricing and leading market participants including Evolution and Latham & Watkins, are bullish about its prospects.

Endurance Global Weather had another strong year in the weather risk management category. While in the Catastrophe Risk markets, which is on track for a record year of volumes, the spoils were shared between fund manager Nephila Capital, Willis, GC Securities, advisory firm AIR Worldwide and law firm Reed Smith.

Other leading firms voted as winners include: CQ Partners, EOS Climate, GreenStream Network, ICE Futures Europe, Karbone, Redshaw Advisors, Sindicatum, Tradition, Tullett Prebon, and Vitol.

The full results are below.

GHG Markets

Catastrophe Risk Management

Weather Risk Management

Renewable Energy Certificates

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