9 August 2017

Record numbers of votes in voluntary carbon market survey

Record numbers of votes have been cast in Environmental Finance's annual survey of the voluntary carbon market.

More than 1,000 responses have been received as part of the 8th Annual Voluntary Carbon Market Rankings, which polls the market as to who are the most highly regarded players across numerous categories.

The voluntary carbon market covers companies and individuals that choose to offset their carbon emissions despite not being covered by a mandatory emissions trading system. The market remains small but is growing as increasing numbers of companies – including big names such as Microsoft and Disney – are persuaded of the benefits of offsetting their emissions.

This agenda has been boosted by the Paris climate summit and the growing number of environmental initiatives such as the TaskForce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.

There is still time to vote in the survey – polling closes on 11 August 2017. Click here to vote now.

We seek to identify the leading participants in the voluntary carbon markets in the following categories:

  • Best Trading Company
  • Best Advisory Service/Consultancy
  • Best Law Firm
  • Best Verification Company
  • Best Wholesaler
  • Best Broker
  • Best Project Developer – renewable energy
  • Best Project Developer – energy efficiency
  • Best Project Developer – forestry and land-use
  • Best Project Developer – public health
  • Best Project Developer – overall
  • Best Offset Retailer
  • Best Registry Provider
  • Best Voluntary Standard
  • Best Individual Offsetting Project
  • Best Corporate Offsetting Programme

A list of last year's winners can be found here.

The winners will be announced on Environmental Finance's website on Monday 25 September.


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