Free webinar: Environmental Finance review of Q1 sustainable bond market

19 April 2022

Environmental Finance will host a free webinar this week to review the 2022 first quarter sustainable bond issuance trends, including an in-depth look at the metrics used for sustainability-linked debt and the impact of the Ukraine crisis on issuance.

The free session – on 20 April at 15:00 BST/10:00 ET – will provide a quarterly overview of the green, social, sustainability and sustainability-linked bond market using figures from Environmental Finance Data.

Register here to attend the event.

In a quarter marked by uncertainty amid rising interest rates and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Environmental Finance bond team will provide an overview of some of the fascinating trends and themes identified in the last three months – a period which saw more than $190 billion raised through the sustainable fixed-income instruments, a fall from more than $280 billion the year prior.

Research analyst Ashton Rowntree will kick-off with a review of the key trends during the period alongside quarterly and annual comparative figures. This will include a discussion of how after a number of large issuances in January and early February, the Ukraine crisis resulted in a significant drop-off in issuance – a trend which only began to reverse towards the end of March.

Data strategist Ben Smith will then provide a deep-dive into the key performance indicator (KPI) trends for sustainability-linked bonds and loans during the quarter, with sustainability-linked instruments being one of the main success stories of the first quarter – being the only main sustainable bond instrument label to experience issuance growth compared to the year prior.

Launched in 2016, Environmental Finance Data provides universal coverage of all sustainable bonds issued since 2007. It now lists thousands of bonds, with a plethora of granular data and accompanying documents. The database platform – which also incorporates data for the sustainable loans market – was recently significantly updated to improve usability and include greater sector granularity.

If you would like further information, a demo or free trial of the Environmental Finance Data, please contact Scott Davis at