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Register nowFollowing its successful first close of its blended finance vehicle, Camco's Benjamin Hugues tells Jennifer Forrest how it has kickstarted the process of finding extra risk mitigation instruments to help attract private sector investors
Natural capital project developers are increasingly considering performance-linked debt, such as outcome bonds or sustainability-linked bonds (SLBs), to help attract more private finance, attendees at the Environmental Finance Natural Capital Investment EMEA 2025 conference heard.
Forthcoming guidance from the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) will set "guardrails" for financial institutions' claims of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions their investments 'avoid' - but corporate standard setters also need to act on the topic, PCAF's technical director said.
More liquidity is needed to help scale interest in debt-for-nature swaps, particularly to make the instruments attractive to public debt-focused investors, an Environmental Finance conference has heard.
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