
  • IFC, State Street to launch emerging markets SRI fund

    01 March 2007

    The International Fin­ance Corporation (IFC) has approved a long-awaited socially responsible investment fund to invest in companies in emerging markets. The IFC claims that the Emerging Markets Sustainability Fund will be the first of its kind, and "is expected to convince private fund managers investing in emerging markets that sustainability policies stand to improve their competitiveness".

  • Flurry of deals seen in solar sector

    01 March 2007

    In a month that saw a flurry of financings in the solar sector, Q-Cells, Renewable Energy Corporation (REC) and Good Energies have completed a complex multi-billion-euro deal. It sees Switzerland-based Good Energies – an investment company with more than $3 billion in renewable energy assets – selling out of its holding in Norwegian solar company Renewable Energy Corporation, reaping more than $2 billion in cash and shares.

  • Germany backs down on EU ETS

    01 March 2007

    Germany has decided to accept the European Commission's ruling that it should lower its cap on carbon dioxide emissions for Phase II of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme.

  • Carbon fever grips Climate Exchange stock

    01 March 2007

    Climate Exchange, the AIM-listed company behind the European Climate Exchange (ECX) and the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), was briefly valued at more than £510 million ($1 billion) in February, as its share price hit £12 – up from a listing price of £1.02 in 2003.

  • Hurricane trading to hit US exchanges

    01 March 2007

    Reinsurance companies have a new way of transferring catastrophe (cat) risk to the capital markets, with the listing this month of futures and options contracts linked to hurricane intensity and property damage.

  • New climate risk reporting initiative launched

    01 March 2007

    Some of the leading organisations promoting climate change-related corporate disclosure have come together in a new initiative that aims, ultimately, to see carbon firmly embedded within company report and accounts.

  • People moves this month

    01 March 2007

    Fund – a fund-of-funds vehicle that will make sustainable investments in the global timber sector. The fund is aimed at institutional investors in the UK and northern Europe.

  • 1.25 billion of "sustainability" VC raised – Eurosif

    01 March 2007

    Around €1.25 billion of "venture capital for sustainability" has been raised by European venture capitalists (VCs) as of September 2006, according to a report from the European Social Investment Forum.

  • Global roundtable calls for mid-century carbon targets

    01 March 2007

    The Global Roundtable on Climate Change (GROCC), involving 80 companies and institutions, has called on governments to put a price on carbon and set mid-century reduction targets.

  • Philips 'green' sales reach €4 billion

    01 March 2007

    Royal Philips Electronics has reported €4 billion of sales last year of its 'green' products, such as energy efficient lighting and televisions.

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