
  • Carbon fever grips Climate Exchange stock

    01 March 2007

    Climate Exchange, the AIM-listed company behind the European Climate Exchange (ECX) and the Chicago Climate Exchange (CCX), was briefly valued at more than £510 million ($1 billion) in February, as its share price hit £12 – up from a listing price of £1.02 in 2003.

  • Hurricane trading to hit US exchanges

    01 March 2007

    Reinsurance companies have a new way of transferring catastrophe (cat) risk to the capital markets, with the listing this month of futures and options contracts linked to hurricane intensity and property damage.

  • New climate risk reporting initiative launched

    01 March 2007

    Some of the leading organisations promoting climate change-related corporate disclosure have come together in a new initiative that aims, ultimately, to see carbon firmly embedded within company report and accounts.

  • People moves this month

    01 March 2007

    Fund – a fund-of-funds vehicle that will make sustainable investments in the global timber sector. The fund is aimed at institutional investors in the UK and northern Europe.

  • 1.25 billion of "sustainability" VC raised – Eurosif

    01 March 2007

    Around €1.25 billion of "venture capital for sustainability" has been raised by European venture capitalists (VCs) as of September 2006, according to a report from the European Social Investment Forum.

  • Global roundtable calls for mid-century carbon targets

    01 March 2007

    The Global Roundtable on Climate Change (GROCC), involving 80 companies and institutions, has called on governments to put a price on carbon and set mid-century reduction targets.

  • Philips 'green' sales reach €4 billion

    01 March 2007

    Royal Philips Electronics has reported €4 billion of sales last year of its 'green' products, such as energy efficient lighting and televisions.

  • FTSE4Good sets out climate criteria

    01 March 2007

    Companies will have to meet a new set of climate change criteria or face expulsion from the FTSE4Good socially responsible investment (SRI) index family. Criteria include developing a climate change policy, emissions disclosure, and emissions reduction targets.

  • China struggles to boost energy efficiency

    01 February 2007

    China is losing the battle to improve the poor energy efficiency of its factories and power stations – despite increasing official recognition that the country has paid an appalling environmental price for its dramatic economic growth.

  • Climate changes in Congress, despite Bush

    01 February 2007

    President George Bush made a brief mention of global warming in his State of the Union address, but legislators are not awaiting his cue as they introduce a flurry of bills on greenhouse gases and biofuels.