
  • Sarkozy clinches compromise on EU climate package

    01 December 2008

    After months of wrangling between industry and environmentalists, and strident opposition from Italy, Germany, Poland and other eastern European states, EU leaders agreed a deal on the bloc's climate package in December, securing a commitment to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020 compared with 1990 levels, and to source 20% of EU energy from renewable sources by the same date.

  • Car-makers face weaker emissions targets under EU deal

    01 December 2008

    The European Parliament and EU member states have agreed a deal to cut carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from cars, which weakens original proposals made by the European Commission and gives car manufacturers an extra three years to meet emissions targets.

  • Exchange-traded carbon fund gets London listing

    01 December 2008

    ETF Securities (ETFS) has listed on the London Stock Exchange what it claims is the first exchange-traded security tracking carbon in Europe.

  • ASX to list renewables, carbon

    01 November 2008

    The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) is to launch futures and options contracts for renewable energy certificates and carbon pollution permits and also has ambitions to service New Zealand's emissions trading scheme.

  • Oil, recession, weigh on renewables and carbon

    01 November 2008

    Falling oil prices and growing recession fears have hit renewable energy stocks and carbon prices – but analysts remain confident the medium-term outlook is positive for both markets.

  • Activists questionWorld Bank's renewables boost

    01 November 2008

    TheWorld Bank Group's claim that it has increased funding for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects by 87% is misleading because of the inclusion of large hydropower projects and funding provided by a separate entity, say environmental observers. The seemingly impressive increase in investment also masks a larger rise in funding for fossil fuel projects, they say.

  • Clean-tech venture capital bucks market – for now

    01 November 2008

    Venture capitalists (VCs) have poured record amounts into clean technology companies this year, according to two reports, and investment in the sector has accelerated despite the credit crunch.

  • SRI 'becoming mainstream', as assets jump

    01 November 2008

    The European market for sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) was worth €2.7 trillion ($3.7 trillion) in 2007, according to figures released in October by the European Sustainable Investment Forum (Eurosif). This is equivalent to 17.5% of the European asset management industry.

  • Voluntary carbon market set to double in 2008

    01 November 2008

    Volumes and prices in the voluntary carbon market are still rising, but participants have warned that the market is not yet feeling the full effect of the global economic crisis.

  • EC eyes market solution to deforestation

    01 November 2008

    The European Commission has called for a target to halt global deforestation by 2030, to be delivered partially through a 'Global Forest Carbon Mechanism' (GFCM), under a post-2012 climate agreement.