
  • Congressmen table US renewables target

    05 February 2009

    Clean energy advocates have renewed hopes that a US federal renewable electricity standard (RES) will be enacted with the introduction of a Congressional bill that matches the goals of President Barack Obama.

  • Australian government and states clash on insulation

    05 February 2009

    The Australian government yesterday unveiled a A$2.6 billion (US$1.7 billion) scheme designed to ensure all owner-occupied homes have ceiling insulation and flagged a major extension of a subsidy scheme for landlords who install insulation in their rental properties.

  • Climate protestors threaten to shut down London's carbon market

    05 February 2009

    After attracting thousands of climate protestors to the Kingsnorth power station and Heathrow airport, the Camp for Climate Action has turned its sights on leading carbon trading platform, the European Climate Exchange (ECX).

  • Further failures in US ethanol sector

    04 February 2009

    US ethanol producers continue to fall victim to the economic crisis with two more companies filing for bankruptcy protection.

  • Export credit agencies force Ilisu suspension

    01 February 2009

    The German, Swiss and Austrian export credit agencies (ECAs) have suspended guarantees for the controversial Ilisu dam project in Turkey.

  • CAIR reinstatement revives emissions markets

    01 February 2009

    US emission markets were brought back to life after judges agreed to a limited reprieve of the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR). Allowance prices jumped as speculators and utilities entered the market, but bearish fundamentals have since brought them back down to earth.

  • Tsing Capital fund gets Japanese backing

    01 February 2009

    The Japan Bank for International Cooperation and the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ have each invested $15 million in Tsing Capital's China Environment Fund III, which is seeking up to $250 million.

  • Irish bail-out mandates environmental funds

    01 February 2009

    Allied Irish Bank, Bank of Ireland and Anglo Irish Bank are each to launch a €100 million ($130 million) environmental fund, as a condition of the 21 December recapitalisation package agreed with the Irish government.

  • Goldman Sachs launches first 'sustainability' fund

    01 February 2009

    Goldman Sachs is marketing its first equity fund that explicitly integrates environmental, social and governance (ESG) research into its investment approach. GS Sustain, which is being marketed to retail and institutional customers in the UK and continental Europe, is designed to invest in companies set to profit from climate change, population growth and natural resource constraints.

  • Ex-Citi SRI analysts start new firm

    01 February 2009

    Mike Tyrrell and Natalie Davis, both former members of Citi's socially responsible investment (SRI) research team, have set up an independent research firm named Sustainable Investor.