
  • Asset4 aims to plug gaps in corporate carbon data

    01 May 2009

    Environmental and social data provider Asset4 has launched a product to help plug the gaps in the timeliness and completeness of corporate carbon disclosure.

  • First signs of a thaw for renewables projects?

    01 May 2009

    The first financings of renewable power projects in 2009 indicate that banks are starting to sign cheques again, but conditions remain tough, according to financiers and market observers.

  • China's solar sector set for stimulus

    01 May 2009

    China looks set to begin development of a domestic solar power generation industry, as Beijing prepares to roll out a renewable energy stimulus package with an emphasis on solar power, possibly this month

  • CCFE lists REC futures

    01 May 2009

    The Chicago Climate Futures Exchange (CCFE) has listed renewable energy certificate (REC) futures, referenced to RECs to meet renewable portfolio standards (RPS) in Connecticut, Massachusetts and New Jersey and a 1,000MWh voluntary REC contract.

  • Pro bono' efforts to target low-carbon projects

    01 May 2009

    A novel approach to help accelerate reductions of greenhouse gas emissions is being developed by London-based law firm Travers Smith and a group of like-minded UK companies.

  • Guidelines drawn up to help finance energy efficiency

    01 May 2009

    A set of guidelines to help financial institutions evaluate the risks and quantify the benefits of energy efficiency investments has been launched by the Washington, DC-based non-profit Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO).

  • Congress lashes out at EPA over GHGs

    01 May 2009

    Several US federal legislators have used hearings on a draft energy and climate change bill to criticise the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a proposed endangerment finding issued last month, which puts the EPA one step closer to regulating carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

  • Curzon Park acquires £20m VC fund

    01 May 2009

    UK venture capital (VC) firm Curzon Park Capital has taken over management of a £20 million fund that invests in clean-tech companies.

  • Inputs sought for 'Stern review' of nature

    01 May 2009

    A major study on the economic importance of nature is seeking business inputs.

  • EPA sees CAIR replacement in two years

    30 April 2009

    The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hopes to have an emissions control programme to replace the rejected Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) established in two years, according to a top EPA official.