
  • Real estate fund managers link sustainability and returns

    07 May 2009

    A resounding 95% of real estate fund managers believe there is a relationship between environmental performance and financial returns, according to a survey of UK and European property funds. However, "the majority felt this [relationship] was difficult to quantify at the current time," said Aviva Investors, sponsors of the survey along with the Environment Agency Pension Fund.

  • BAT issues second report on sustainable smoking

    07 May 2009

    British American Tobacco published its 2008 sustainability report last week, outlining its approaches to reduce the harm caused by tobacco products and announcing targets to lessen its environmental impact.

  • Guidelines created to help free up finance for energy efficiency

    07 May 2009

    A set of guidelines to help financial institutions evaluate the risks and quantify the benefits of energy efficiency investments has been launched by the Washington, DC-based non-profit Efficiency Valuation Organization (EVO).

  • Wrangling threatens Waxman's cap-and-trade timetable

    06 May 2009

    Closed-door negotiations are continuing on a US federal cap-and-trade proposal after President Barack Obama urged Congressional Democrats to resolve key differences in the hopes of passing comprehensive climate change legislation this year.

  • US biofuels stimulus package provides mixed relief for producers

    06 May 2009

    US ethanol producers praised efforts announced yesterday by President Barack Obama's administration to aid the struggling biofuels sector, but vowed to keep pushing to prevent the inclusion of indirect land-use change (ILUC) in the assessment of the environmental impacts of domestic ethanol production.

  • Sentiment improves for environmental sector

    01 May 2009

    Investors have strongly supported fund raisings by renewable energy and clean technology firms, bringing a boost to the sector which was hit hard in the market downturn. But the outlook remains highly uncertain, with more pain expected, analysts say.

  • Korea launches $130m green growth fund

    01 May 2009

    The Korean government is among the backers of a $130 million fund that will make private equity investments in companies globally that are hoping to stimulate green economic growth in Korea.

  • HSBC infrastructure fund makes first close

    01 May 2009

    HSBC has raised €117 million ($156 million) of a targeted €500 million into its Environmental Infrastructure Fund, which will invest in infrastructure development and construction, using proven technologies in renewable energy, water treatment and waste management.

  • Frog Capital funds leap to €100m

    01 May 2009

    Foursome Investments, an investment firm founded by the Engelhorn family, has rebranded itself as Frog Capital and raised its available funds to €100 million from €60 million. I

  • Crédit Agricole SRI fund to target clean-tech equities

    01 May 2009

    Crédit Agricole Asset Management (CAAM) has developed a socially responsible equity fund targeting promising clean-tech companies.