
  • Infrastructure investors needed to meet renewables targets

    04 February 2010

    Pension funds and insurance companies must raise their investments in clean energy infrastructure if the EU is going to have a chance of meeting its targets for renewable energy capacity and carbon reduction, a panel of investors said this week.

  • EU to fund carbon capture with 300m emissions allowances

    04 February 2010

    EU member states have agreed to distribute 300 million carbon allowances from the bloc's emissions trading scheme (ETS) to fund renewable energy and carbon capture and storage (CCS) projects from 2013.

  • Review finds mixed progress on Climate Principles

    04 February 2010

    The five financial institutions which founded the Climate Principles have further to go in integrating climate analysis into their operations, according to an independent review of their progress.

  • Hopes build for US Green Bank

    04 February 2010

    A proposed 'Green Bank' to help finance renewable energy projects in the US may get a boost from an unexpected source: a series of jobs bills aimed at lowering the nation's stubbornly high unemployment rate.

  • UK introduces feed-in tariff for small-scale renewables

    04 February 2010

    UK householders, businesses and communities which install small-scale renewables will, from April, earn a feed-in tariff.

  • Innovest's Kiernan unveils new venture

    04 February 2010

    Sustainable investment pioneer Matthew Kiernan is launching an asset management company, Inflexion Point Capital Management, in partnership with Legg Mason and Phoenix Global Advisers.

  • CelsiusPro covers weather risk for Nikon camera promotion

    04 February 2010

    CelsiusPro, an online seller of weather risk management products, has struck a deal that will see camera buyers in Switzerland get a full rebate on their purchase if the weather is bad over the Easter holiday.

  • News round-up - Thursday 4 Feb

    04 February 2010

    SAM chief quits -- Cosan tie-up wins plaudits -- Arthur D. Little back climate index -- HSBC backs biofuels - Nicholas Stern slams Tories --

  • US climate change inaction could scupper Mexico deal

    01 February 2010

    Hopes are fading fast that the US Senate will pass comprehensive climate change legislation this year – jeopardising the prospects for a binding global agreement in Mexico City in December, analysts believe.

  • India proposes $8bn national green certificate market

    01 February 2010

    India is on the cusp of implementing a trading system for renewable energy certificates (RECs), to help its states meet its climate and renewables targets.