
  • Renewables investment to breach $200bn in 2010?

    17 March 2010

    New investment in clean energy is set to recover to at least $175 billion-200 billion this year, according to projections from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF).

  • 1.2GW of wave and tidal power for Scottish waters

    17 March 2010

    Around 1.2GW of wave and tidal energy projects could be built in Scotland by 2020, as the UK's Crown Estate this week named the winners of leases to 10 sites in Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters.

  • Waste collection and recycling market worth €300bn – report

    17 March 2010

    The world market for waste, from collection to recycling, is worth about €300 billion ($410 billion) a year, according to a report commissioned by environmental services firm Veolia.

  • Threadneedle targets £350m for low-carbon property fund

    17 March 2010

    UK investment management firm Threadneedle has launched a fund that will invest in low-carbon commercial property in the UK, aiming to raise £350 million ($534 million) from institutional investors within three years.

  • Clean energy grows, but solar revenues dip

    17 March 2010

    Combined global revenues for wind power, biofuels and solar photovoltaics (PV) grew 11.4% last year, to reach $139.1 billion, according to Clean Edge's annual report on clean energy trends.

  • Investor groups call for more transparency from oil & gas sector

    17 March 2010

    Oil and gas companies need to provide investors with better information on how they are managing climate change risks, according to three leading institutional investor groups.

  • Bureaucracy holding up DOE renewables cash – GAO

    11 March 2010

    The US Department of Energy (DOE) is encountering numerous obstacles to releasing funds for clean energy projects from last year's economic stimulus package, including federally-mandated environmental reviews and monthly reporting requirements.

  • Ex-Im votes on carbon blueprint, slammed by NGOs

    11 March 2010

    The US Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank has developed a more detailed implementation plan for its carbon policy – but environment groups slammed the plan, which was distributed to stakeholders but has not been publicly released.

  • Stern backs $100bn IMF climate fund plan

    11 March 2010

    A climate fund proposed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to raise $100 billion a year by 2020 has won support from climate change economics guru Nicholas Stern.

  • Wind industry calls for US RES, as first project guaranteed

    11 March 2010

    The economic stimulus package has provided valuable support for the US wind energy sector, but a national renewable electricity standard (RES) is the policy tenet most critical to the industry's development, project sponsors said.