
  • Wheb tops £100m for clean-tech fund

    22 April 2010

    Private equity firm Wheb Ventures has raised £100.3 million ($153 million) into its second clean technology fund at the fourth close, after receiving investment from a UK government-backed fund.

  • Vodafone tops sustainability reporting poll

    22 April 2010

    Vodafone Group has won the 'best report' category in this year's CR Reporting Awards for the third year in a row. The telecoms company, a staple of sustainable equity indexes, polled around 100 votes more than the runner-up, BP.

  • IFC launches $200m green bond

    16 April 2010

    The International Finance Corporation (IFC) has become the latest development bank to issue a 'green bond'.

  • BP shareholders back oil sands investment

    15 April 2010

    BP today defeated a shareholder resolution challenging its involvement in exploiting Canadian oil sands.

  • Bonn climate talks highlight rifts widened since Copenhagen (from Carbon Finance)

    15 April 2010

    The first meeting since the Copenhagen climate summit highlighted how far apart parties have moved since the December talks drew to a bitter close, offering little succour to the carbon market.

  • China to delay energy stimulus plan

    15 April 2010

    China's new energy stimulus plan – expected to include additional policy support for renewable energy development – has been delayed indefinitely, according to a high-ranking government official.

  • Loan guarantees fall flat for US wind

    15 April 2010

    The US Department of Energy's (DOE) loan guarantee programme is not seen as a viable financing mechanism for many wind projects, in stark contrast to the agency's grant programme for renewable energy technologies, experts said.

  • Slow start for cat bond market in 2010

    15 April 2010

    A relatively slow start to catastrophe (cat) bond issuances this year should not be interpreted as weakness in the market, according to reinsurance brokerage Guy Carpenter.

  • US renewables grants see debt replace equity

    15 April 2010

    The US renewable energy grant programme has driven a shift in the number of wind developers using debt financing rather than tax equity to fund their projects, financing experts have said.

  • Analysts spell out challenges in China's GHG target

    15 April 2010

    China's commitment to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions marks a major change in its government's attitude towards climate change, analysts said this week, but warned that it is difficult to judge if the target is challenging.