
  • World missed 2010 targets for reducing biodiversity loss

    13 May 2010

    The world has failed to meet its 2010 target for a significant reduction in the rate of biodiversity loss, according to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

  • India's weather risk market 'poised for growth' – WRMA

    13 May 2010

    India's weather risk management industry could grow to a notional value of $2.35 billion over the next two-to-three years, according to an industry association survey.

  • Leapfrog charity secures seed funding for low-carbon advisory service

    13 May 2010

    The Tellus Mater Foundation, a UK-based grant-making trust, has donated £100,000 ($146,000) to Carbon Leapfrog, a charity that aims to channel free specialist assistance to emission reduction and clean technology projects.

  • Utilities force revision to California's TRECs rules

    13 May 2010

    Californian utilities will face delays in using tradable renewable energy credits (TRECs) to comply with the state's renewable mandate, after they petitioned for the rules to be revised.

  • Pension group to unveil public-private climate fund

    12 May 2010

    Some of the world's largest pension funds are set to unveil a public-private climate fund as a contribution to efforts to raise hundreds of billions of dollars for climate change financing.

  • Returns 'more robust' from clean energy infrastructure – pension fund

    12 May 2010

    Investments in clean energy infrastructure can offer more stable returns than conventional infrastructure investments, according to a leading UK pension fund.

  • People moves

    10 May 2010

    A round-up of recent appointments

  • Insurers untroubled by Iceland volcano

    06 May 2010

    Insurance companies have escaped lightly from the eruption of a volcano in Iceland, described as one of this year's most disruptive and costliest natural disasters.

  • EIB selling €300m climate bonds to Japan

    06 May 2010

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) is issuing about €300 million ($380 million) in bonds to raise finance for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.

  • ABB spends $1bn on smart grid acquisition

    06 May 2010

    ABB has snapped up a software firm to position itself as a "leading provider" of software for smart grids and energy management.