
  • Plastic use no longer under wraps as Clinton launches investor initiative

    23 September 2010

    Former US President Bill Clinton has announced an investor-led survey of how companies use and track plastic in their business.

  • Uphill battle seen to fund CCS plants

    23 September 2010

    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) faces formidable funding challenges, according to a recent survey of private sector capital providers.

  • World's largest offshore wind farm goes live, Scotland ramps up renewables targets

    23 September 2010

    The world's largest offshore wind farm opened today, taking the UK's installed wind power capacity over the 5GW mark.

  • Bipartisan support for effort to revive US renewables standard

    23 September 2010

    A US federal renewable electricity standard (RES) received a renewed bipartisan push for passage through Congress, which renewable experts described as a positive first step in addressing the financing conundrum.

  • Ratings questions loom over who will finance renewables growth

    23 September 2010

    Concerns are growing that the potential flow of institutional investor money into the renewables sector is being stoppered by the ratings agencies.

  • Strategic investors step in to renewables financing void

    23 September 2010

    Strategic corporate investors are increasingly taking centre stage in the renewable energy market, as the capital markets remain tough to navigate for technological entrepreneurs, financing experts said.

  • Nasdaq launches 'green economy' index family

    23 September 2010

    Exchange group Nasdaq OMX has launched a series of indexes designed to offer investors global exposure to the "green economy".

  • SocGen repeats strong showing in Extel/UKSIF survey

    16 September 2010

    Société Générale once more dominated the Thomson Reuters Extel/UKSIF socially responsible investing (SRI) and sustainability survey.

  • Investors demand that exchanges mandate sustainability reporting

    16 September 2010

    Stock exchanges should require that companies report on sustainability issues as a condition of listing, according to a coalition of investors with $558 billion under management.

  • UK must act now to adapt to climate change - adviser

    16 September 2010

    The UK has been urged to step up preparations for the impacts of climate change, as a report by an independent government adviser warns that little action has taken place.