
  • China 'not ready' for carbon trading – top official

    30 September 2010

    China will establish a national emissions trading system at some time in the future, the country's top climate negotiator said this week, but opportunities remain limited for now.

  • World Bank renewables hire to take fresh look at Bank financing

    30 September 2010

    Daniel Kammen's appointment to spearhead the World Bank's work on clean energy comes as the institution finds itself under renewed scrutiny for the mix of its energy sector lending.

  • Policy uncertainty, low carbon price, deterring investment – survey

    30 September 2010

    Inconsistent and retroactive policy-making is hindering low-carbon investment in Europe, according to a survey of institutional investors – almost none of whom feel that the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is providing an adequate price signal.

  • Disaster year down to climate change: Munich Re

    30 September 2010

    Reinsurance giant Munich Re has cited climate change as a major factor in the "marked increase" in worldwide weather-related natural disasters in the first nine months of the year.

  • Market divided on plan to revamp US pollution trading

    30 September 2010

    US market players are sharply divided on whether the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has done enough to save the current pollution markets.

  • California renewables target is aggressive but doable

    30 September 2010

    Californian utilities can meet an aggressive 33% renewable target – so long as issues over grid capacity and regulation are clarified.

  • New Forests raises A$500m into Australasian forests fund

    30 September 2010

    Sydney-based timberland and 'eco-products' investment firm New Forests has raised A$500 million (US$485 million) into its Australia New Zealand Forest Fund, beating its fundraising target.

  • UK climate minister calls for massive energy efficiency push, warms to nuclear

    23 September 2010

    The UK's forthcoming 'Green Deal' will create a quarter of a million jobs insulating homes, paid for by utilities in exchange for a share of the energy savings, according to the Secretary of State for Climate Change and Energy Chris Huhne.

  • Climate disclosure steady despite economy and climate talk wobbles - CDP

    23 September 2010

    Global corporations continued voluntarily disclosing climate change risks and opportunities at a high rate despite the slow economic recovery and the failure of UN climate talks, according to an annual survey conducted by the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP).

  • Brookfield reaches $2.7bn close for latest infrastructure fund

    23 September 2010

    Canada's Brookfield Asset Management has raised nearly twice as much as originally hoped into its latest infrastructure fund, closing at US$2.7 billion to be invested in assets including renewable energy generation.