
  • Qantas eyes jet biofuel from waste facility

    06 January 2011

    Australian airline Qantas is in talks with US biofuel company Solena with a view to building a facility in Sydney to produce jet fuel from organic waste.

  • Clean-tech stock pickers look to energy efficiency again in 2011

    06 January 2011

    Analysts and investors predict last year's gloom for clean-tech stocks will continue in 2011, with few expectations that renewable energy share prices will recover – but energy efficiency is once again tipped to outperform.

  • US climate and energy policy in 2011 – what to watch

    06 January 2011

    Law firm Van Ness Feldman has set out its issues to watch in climate change, clean air and clean energy policy in the US in 2011 – painting a picture of profound policy uncertainty and overlapping and often competing political, regulatory, legislative and legal drivers.

  • Climate bonds standard to be released by April

    05 January 2011

    The Climate Bonds Initiative is to unveil its first labelling standard by the end of March, for wind energy-linked bonds, after securing initial funding for the project.

  • Emerging markets outdo Europe, US on climate index

    05 January 2011

    Significant climate change stimulus spending has helped emerging market stocks in HSBC's Climate Change Index outperform those in the developed world last year.

  • Leading lights named in survey of environmental markets

    16 December 2010

    Environmental Finance and Carbon Finance – two of the leading global publications covering environmental markets – have named the winners in their annual market survey.

  • US clean energy target to include nuclear, clean coal?

    16 December 2010

    The next US Congress has its sights on a clean energy standard (CES) that includes clean coal and new nuclear technology rather than a federal renewable electricity standard (RES), a shift that Barack Obama's administration seems willing to embrace.

  • Investors warned on risky unconventional fossil fuels

    16 December 2010

    Investors must scrutinise the significant risks associated with production of unconventional fossil fuel sources such as oil shale and coal-to-liquids (CTL), according to a report commissioned by Ceres.

  • UK overhauls electricity markets, clean energy subsidies

    16 December 2010

    The UK government today announced plans to overhaul the country's electricity market, introducing feed-in tariffs for clean energy generation and supporting carbon prices.

  • US Senate throws renewable grants a lifeline

    16 December 2010

    The US Treasury grant programme for renewable energy projects is on the verge of receiving a critical lifeline.