
  • Italy may face substantial solar subsidy bill, but retroactive cuts unlikely

    10 February 2011

    Retroactive cuts to Italy's generous solar subsidies are unlikely, according to analysts at investment bank Jefferies, which is expecting the government to respond to high and suspected fraudulent take-up of the feed-in tariff with cuts to rates starting in 2012.

  • US government funding fuels $100m clean-tech private investment

    10 February 2011

    The US government is claiming a win for its clean-technology (clean-tech) stimulus funding, announcing that six US clean-tech companies have secured more than $100 million in private capital a year on from picking up $23.6 million in government funding.

  • UK FIT review leaves industry sanguine, investors uncertain

    10 February 2011

    Renewables firms and groups in the UK have cautiously welcomed the government's plan to review the renewable energy feed-in tariff (FIT) system introduced less than 12 months ago, but experts warn it could add to investor uncertainty.

  • EU clean energy goals require 'major efforts' – EU leaders

    10 February 2011

    The EU still needs to make "major efforts" to modernise its energy structure and fully develop its renewable energy resources, European heads of state and government agreed during a meeting in Brussels last week. They called on the European Commission to explain by June how it plans to finance these efforts.

  • CDP water disclosure investor support jumps

    10 February 2011

    The number of institutional investors backing the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) water disclosure request has jumped 150% to 354, managing $43 trillion in assets.

  • Clean-tech legal service launched to streamline documentation

    09 February 2011

    Clean-tech entrepreneurs risk deterring investment or incurring substantial costs because of "piecemeal" legal documentation, according to law firm Simmons & Simmons.

  • REC price secrecy holding back trading in US - experts

    08 February 2011

    A reluctance to share price data is holding back the development of a liquid futures market for renewable energy credits (REC) in the US, according to traders and consultants.

  • Green bonds vital to Europe – Barclays

    07 February 2011

    'Green bonds' are set to fill most of a €2.9 trillion ($3.9 trillion) capital hole required to build low-carbon infrastructure in Europe from 2011-20, according to a report by Barclays and consultancy Accenture.

  • People moves

    04 February 2011

    The latest appointments at the Principles for Responsible Investment, International Council on Mining and Metals, Aon, EDF Trading and more

  • California will struggle to meet 33% renewables target

    03 February 2011

    California needs a significant escalation of solar project development to meet its 33% by 2020 renewable energy target, according to industry experts, but permitting and transmission issues will challenge its ability to meet that goal.