
  • DEG's 'water filter' to strain investor risk

    07 April 2011

    German development bank DEG has developed a tool to help investors assess the water risk in individual investments and at the portfolio level.

  • Fukushima disaster: Japan's emissions targets 'under review'

    07 April 2011

    Japan's 2020 emissions target is under question as a result of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japanese officials have conceded.

  • US surges, Asia wanes as Q1 clean-tech investment reaches $2.6 billion

    07 April 2011

    Global clean-tech venture capital (VC) investment surged 52% to $2.57 billion in the first quarter, buoyed by high value, late-stage deals and strong performance among North American companies, according to analysis by California-based research firm the Cleantech Group. However, the number of transactions in the quarter dropped.

  • Pension funds increase investments in wind farms

    07 April 2011

    PensionDanmark, a pension fund with around €14 billion ($20 billion) under management, has made its second investment in offshore wind farms and is planning more.

  • Corporates say clean-tech investment is good for revenue

    07 April 2011

    Almost three-quarters of corporations surveyed by consultancy Ernst & Young plan to increase or significantly increase clean-tech budgets between 2012 and 2014, reflecting a growing view that such spending can improve corporate revenues.

  • California's renewables target to be undermined by weaker Senate bill?

    06 April 2011

    California's aggressive targets on renewable energy could be weakened by too much flexibility and a lack of sanctions for failing utilities, a leading analyst has warned.

  • Norway makes first payment to Guyana under pioneering forest carbon deal

    06 April 2011

    Norway is to immediately transfer $40 million to Guyana in the first payment under a novel deal to protect the South American country's forests.

  • CDP investors' demands shift from disclosure to mitigation

    06 April 2011

    A 'vanguard' group of Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) signatories managing $7.6 trillion of assets have called on the world's largest companies to implement "cost-effective" greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions.

  • US officials vent over lack of clean-tech policy certainty

    05 April 2011

    US government officials working to facilitate investment in the clean-tech sector say they are just as frustrated with the lack of federal policy certainty as private investors.

  • Fukushima disaster poses hard questions on climate targets

    04 April 2011

    Climate targets will be harder to meet and ambitious nuclear building programmes around the world will become more expensive, commentators said, in the aftermath of the suspected Fukushima meltdown.