
  • Renewables firms rise as Germany aims to double clean power, close nukes

    31 May 2011

    European renewables firms saw a boost to share prices, while mainstream utilities suffered, after German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced the country will double its 2020 renewables target and close its 17 nuclear power plants by 2022.

  • Planning regime standing in way of 100% renewables – report

    31 May 2011

    The EU must reform its infrastructure planning regime if it is to achieve 100% renewable electricity by 2050, according to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the International Institute for Applied System Analysis.

  • Nobao dumps IPO – again

    31 May 2011

    Chinese heat pump developer Nobao Renewable Energy has pulled its $300 million offering, just weeks after the firm revived its New York Stock Exchange listing plans.

  • Low-carbon electricity can get us halfway to meeting Copenhagen pledges: IEA

    27 May 2011

    The electricity sector can contribute almost 50% of the emissions reductions needed to hold the rise in global temperature below 2°C, through steps such as improved energy efficiency, greater renewable power generation and the increased roll-out of electric cars, the International Energy Agency says.

  • Solazyme joins Nasdaq

    27 May 2011

    Algae biofuels company Solazyme debuted on the Nasdaq today, with stocks reaching a 20% premium on its $18 offer price.

  • Investors question companies on 'disconnect' with manufacturers' carbon stance

    26 May 2011

    Investors are challenging companies over their relationships with a trade organisation that is seeking to derail US carbon regulations.

  • Wind Prospect Group launches £10m green energy bond

    26 May 2011

    Wind Prospect Group, a global wind developer, has launched a corporate retail bond onto the UK market with the aim of raising £10 million ($16 million).

  • EIB, Commission, Deutsche Bank to seed €800m energy efficiency fund

    26 May 2011

    The European Commission, European Investment Bank (EIB) and Deutsche Bank have committed €205 million ($291 million) to an energy efficiency fund that could total €800 million.

  • Green policy can boost economic growth – OECD

    26 May 2011

    Green policies needn't jeopardise economic growth, instead they can boost prosperity and create jobs, according to the OECD.

  • Equator Principles need toughening up – report

    26 May 2011

    The voluntary standards covering the environmental and social (E&S) impacts of project financing should be toughened and expanded, a key report on the future of the Equator Principles has recommended.