
  • Financiers search for sustainable future

    20 October 2011

    Finance experts gathered in Washington, DC this week to decide how the sector can contribute to creating a stable and sustainable economy.

  • CSAPR allowances allocated, but emitters remain wary

    19 October 2011

    Emitters across 28 US states received their first allowances under the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) new sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrous oxide (NOx) trading programme yesterday – but a deluge of legal challenges and unhappy precedents continue to discourage trading.

  • Investors repeat call for 'investment-grade' climate policy

    19 October 2011

    Investors managing $20 trillion in assets have repeated a call for urgent "policy action" to stimulate private sector investment into solutions to climate change.

  • Ceres offers investors 'water gauge', praises Nestle, Rio Tinto

    19 October 2011

    Investor coalition Ceres has launched a tool to help investors manage water risks across their investment portfolios.

  • First UK councils LEEP to energy retrofits

    18 October 2011

    Local authorities are making moves to fund energy efficiency retrofits of private and social housing in their jurisdictions through the UK's Green Deal, with the ultimate aim of refinancing the projects through bonds in three or four years.

  • Gap in clean energy insurance slows development – CalCEF

    17 October 2011

    The US government should establish a reinsurance programme to support the roll-out of innovative clean technologies, according to a white paper.

  • Financial centres told to 'raise game' on climate

    17 October 2011

    The world's three biggest financial centres – London, Tokyo and New York – should step up work on climate change, according to London's former deputy mayor Nicky Gavron.

  • Kingspan buys failed Scottish wind turbine maker

    14 October 2011

    Building products group Kingspan has bought Proven Energy out of receivership.

  • Offshore wind drives record project finance quarter – BNEF

    14 October 2011

    Investors poured a record $41.8 billion into utility-scale renewable energy projects in the third quarter of 2011, driven by a surge in offshore wind, according to analysis firm Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF).

  • Ignore Osborne conference speech – Yeo

    14 October 2011

    Investors in UK low-carbon businesses should not be alarmed by a recent speech from the finance minister apparently rowing back on UK leadership on reducing carbon emissions, according to an influential MP.