
  • Insurance leaders lagging on climate investments

    24 November 2011

    Insurance companies are still failing to adequately incorporate climate change risks into their investment portfolios, according to an initiative designed to help the industry respond to global warming.

  • UK needs green taxes, say experts

    24 November 2011

    The UK government should shift the tax burden onto pollution, said market experts at The Guardian's CleanTech summit on Tuesday.

  • Google cuts renewables programme

    23 November 2011

    Google has cancelled its initiative to drive down the cost of renewable energy, citing the low price of solar modules, but says it remains committed to its more than $850 million of investments in renewables technologies.

  • Renewable energy deployment "needs to pick up" – IEA

    23 November 2011

    The world risks locking itself into a high carbon energy system without a radical change in policies, including a global carbon price, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

  • SRI pioneer proposes Henderson SRI buy-out

    23 November 2011

    Socially responsible investment (SRI) pioneer Tessa Tennant has said she would like to help convene a "rescue group" to buy out Henderson Global Investors' SRI fund management business, following the company's announcement that it is making its SRI team redundant.

  • EU carbon price forecasts slashed

    22 November 2011

    Growing fears about the EU's economy have prompted a new wave of downgrades of carbon price forecasts – but a prediction by UBS that prices could slump to €3 ($4.06) next year has elicited a rebuttal from a leading carbon market group.

  • Coal power sinks Lynemouth aluminium smelter

    22 November 2011

    Rio Tinto Alcan last week blamed the closure of its aluminium smelter in north-east England on a potential 10-fold rise in environmental costs from 2013.

  • Sarasin names likely survivors in solar shake-out

    22 November 2011

    First Solar, Suntech Power, Trina Solar and Solarworld are among the solar photovoltaic firms best positioned to survive the ongoing consolidation in the sector, according to a report from Bank Sarasin.

  • German investor joins RWE's clean energy VC fund

    22 November 2011

    Innogy Renewables Technology Fund I, a clean-energy venture capital fund, has boosted its resources to €115 million ($155 million) following additional investment by its founder, German energy giant RWE, and Hamburg-based investor Conetwork Erneuerbare Energien (CEE).

  • Falling mandatory REC prices threaten solar developers

    21 November 2011

    Sales of renewable energy credits in US compliance markets outstripped that country's voluntary market for the first time last year as states strove to meet their green electricity targets set by Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPSs).