Market insight

  • Carbon Divestment: The SRI Dilemma

    Miguel Santisteve, Associate Director at NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions, asks how investors are responding to the risk of stranded assets in their portfolio

  • Capturing co-benefits

    Corporate offset buyers increasingly want to create – and measure – sustainable development benefits in addition to carbon reductions.

  • Building a green energy infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa

    Geoff Sinclair and Fenella Aouane review the fast growing renewable energy market in Africa and the financing opportunities it presents

  • Shining a spotlight on climate risk

    With climate risk rising fast up the investment agenda, knowledge is power – and a new online tool on yourSRI provides investors the knowledge they need to begin addressing climate exposures. Environmental Finance talks to South Pole Carbon's Maximilian Horster

  • Investors seek more catastrophe risk

    The catastrophe risk transfer market is set for further growth, with a range of new products available for investors, says Barney Schauble, managing partner at Nephila Advisors.

  • Q & A with Sascha Lafeld, CEO, First Climate Markets AG

    First Climate congratulates the Gold Standard Foundation on its 10th anniversary and we are looking forward to our ongoing collaboration and joint initiatives.

  • From insights to action on climate impact

    A growing number of businesses, from a range of sectors, are discovering the many benefits of making their operations climate neutral, says Nadine Planzer, Carbon Portfolio Manager of the Climate Neutral Group