Market insight

  • Green fingers or green washing: sustainability research takes a look at green bonds

    The green bond market continues to grow at a phenomenal rate: the Climate Bonds Initiative has forecast $100 billion of issuance for 2016.

  • 'People need nature'

    Agustín Silvani, Vice President of Conservation Finance at Conservation International, explains how this is more than a tagline – it's a call to action now codified in the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement.

  • Channeling the power of results-based action to benefit the climate

    Over the course of ten years, South Pole Group has leveraged carbon markets to produce over 100,000 GWh of renewable energy and to unlock 80 million tonnes of CO2 reductions - more than the annual national GHG emissions of Greece.

  • The corporate decarbonisation imperative

    The Paris Agreement has set the end-goal – a massive decarbonisation effort to mitigate against and adapt to climate change. Gerald Maradan considers how companies should respond.

  • Nephila: eyeing new markets, new models

    Nephila Capital is raising new capital as it eyes weather hedging opportunities in renewable energy and disruption in cat risk insurance underwriting. Barney Schauble talks to Environmental Finance

  • Tracing the Origin of Power

    For a growing number of companies, electricity is a prime resource in the value chain. Being able to trace the origin of power has never been more important...

  • Winds of change blow through cat risk markets

    Growing investor demand for catastrophe exposure is helping the insurance sector change how it manages natural disaster risk, Barney Schauble of Nephila Advisors tells Environmental Finance

  • Letters from Lima

    The UN climate conference in Lima was billed as a key event in the build-up to a global agreement in Paris in 2015. This series of articles looks at some of the major topics covered.

  • 15th Annual Market Rankings: A survivors' market

    After some tough years in the traded environmental markets, the survivors have weathered the storm and see better times ahead

  • Carbon offsetters look beyond climate change

    Today's voluntary carbon market is about delivering far more than a climate change benefit – presenting enormous opportunity for...