Market insight

  • Mission-led finance: New ideas in European policymaking

    19 October 2018

    Policymakers need to shift focus from filling investment gaps to creating new trajectories for ambitious low-carbon innovation, says Mariana Mazzucato. A missions-led approach should be at the heart of efforts align the economy with climate and sustainability goals, she tells Environmental Finance.

  • No more excuses: Financing 1.5C

    11 October 2018

    The financial sector must play a critical enabling role to limit global warming to below 1.5 degrees. Investors need to quickly overhaul their strategies for climate change to be halted in just over a decade, and there are already tools and solutions available to help investors align with this goal, finds Environmental Finance

  • Investor framework launched for 1.5C-compatible investments

    05 October 2018

    Investors ranging from pension funds to multilaterals are looking to quantify the impact of their emissions-saving investments by using a new investment framework. Dennis Pamlin of Mission Innovation explains why the tool can help significantly accelerate the low-carbon transition

  • Europe's moment to lead on green financial centres

    20 September 2018

    Europe's financial centres are teaming up to mobilise the vast sums of capital needed to meet global climate targets. Under a new Europe-wide initiative, green financial centres are aiming to significantly accelerate the shift to sustainable finance.

  • Rewiring finance through climate innovation

    13 September 2018

    The financial system needs to be reshaped to trigger the investments needed to address climate change, says Kirsten Dunlop, CEO of EIT Climate-KIC, and innovation is crucial to bringing sustainable finance to the next level.

  • Channelling capital into forest conservation

    A significant increase in the level of private finance being channelled into forest conservation is required in order to meet the aims of the Paris Agreement, a roundtable organised by Environmental Finance and Finance for Forests heard. Michael Hurley reports

  • A different kind of conversation

    The Talanoa Dialogue offers a new way of participating in the UN climate change process – and one that investors and financiers are beginning to explore. Mark Nicholls reports

  • Staying flexible to reduce corporate climate impact

    There is a resurgence of interest from corporates in flexible and sophisticated approaches to address climate impact, says Edward Hanrahan, CEO of ClimateCare, as he reflects on ClimateCare's 20 years in business.

  • The growing case for conservation finance

    Conservation finance may appear to be one of the most esoteric investment niches, but experimentation and innovation is giving way to proof of concept – attracting a growing number of institutional investors along the way. Mark Nicholls reports

  • Hedging, whatever the weather

    As renewable energy becomes an increasing part of the grid, the volatility it creates is generating demand for weather hedging products. Q&A with Stuart Brown, Head Origination Weather & Energy EMEA APAC, at Swiss Re Corporate Solutions.