CDP - CDP 2022 Risks and Opportunities Dataset
Data category
Environmental data
The data offers solutions for:
- Carbon footprinting
- Climate scenario analysis
- Environmental impact analysis and insight
- Investment decisions and portfolio insight
- Reporting: CSRD
- Reporting: EU Regulations
- Reporting: Impact
- Reporting: SFDR
- Reporting: TCFD
- Reporting: UN SDGs
Who are the data users?
- Corporates
- Investors
- Government
- Financial institutions
Brief description of the data offering
CDP runs the world's largest environmental disclosure platform, resulting in comprehensive quantitative and qualitative datasets produced annually. In 2021, companies representing more than 50 percent of the G20’s combined market capitalization reported climate-related data to CDP.
The corporate risk dataset is subset of CDP's climate change dataset that provides time-frame specific climate risks and opportunities assessments and their financial and strategic impacts. This dataset captures the lens of both physical and transition risks/opportunities as reported by companies.
Where and how do you source your data?
On behalf its 680+ investors representing $130 trillion in assets, as well as more than 200 companies with a combined annual spend of $5.5 trillion, CDP requests data from companies around the world on their environmental performance via its climate change, forests and water questionnaires. This information is entirely self-reported from thousands of companies located in over 80 countries in 2021. CDP provides questionnaire guidance to companies to ensure uniform responses for a comparable dataset.
What is the cost for your data offering?
Please inquire about pricing at