ESG Data Guide 2024

Bloomberg - Bloomberg Sustainable Finance Solutions

Data category

  • Environmental data
  • Governance data
  • Indices/Exchange data
  • Rankings
  • Ratings
  • Research data
  • Social data

The data offers solutions for:

  • Carbon footprinting
  • Climate scenario analysis
  • Environmental impact analysis and insight
  • Geospatial/location data
  • Investment decisions and portfolio insight
  • Nature-based information
  • Nature-based information: Biodiversity
  • Nature-based information: Water
  • Norms-based screening
  • Physical risk
  • Reporting: CSRD
  • Reporting: EU Regulations
  • Reporting: ISSB standards
  • Reporting: Impact
  • Reporting: Other Regulations
  • Reporting: SEC climate
  • Reporting: SFDR
  • Reporting: TCFD
  • Reporting: TNFD
  • Reporting: UN SDGs
  • Social impact analysis and insight
  • Temperature alignment
  • Transition plan assessments

Who are the data users?

  • Corporates
  • Financial institutions
  • Government
  • Investors
  • Trustees

Brief description of the data offering

Bloomberg’s ESG data pillars:

  1. Sustainable investing solutions: enhance investment processes with Bloomberg's ESG data spanning: company-reported data, ESG scores, sustainable debt, indices and research arms BI and BNEF.
  2. Regulatory alignment solutions: evolve in lockstep with key reporting requirements around the world, such as global Taxonomies, Climate Risk reporting, SFDR, CSRD and ISSB standards.
  3. Climate and risk solutions: assess a company's environmental impact and mitigate risk with Bloomberg's carbon emissions, carbon targets, biodiversity and transition + physical risk data solutions.

Source: Bloomberg

Depth, breadth & expertise: Bloomberg’s ESG data coverage

Bloomberg’s ESG data solutions are backed by a team of experts who run 5,000+ sophisticated, multi-layer quality control systems to ensure that all data conforms to the highest standards.

Comprehensive coverage includes:

  • 16,000+ companies covered for reported ESG data (represents 94% of global market capitalization)
  • 70,000+ bond and loan instruments tagged as green, social, sustainable, transition and sustainability-linked
  • 18+ years of historical data
  • 6,400+ ESG data fields, including from third party sources
  • 1.1M+ physical company assets linked to 50k entities showing physical risk exposures
  • 15,000+ companies covered by Bloomberg’s data-driven and transparent ESG scores

Enhancing operations for the full picture with DL+ ESG Manager

Bloomberg’s Data License Plus (DL+) ESG Manager connects multi-vendor ESG data to the full power of Bloomberg’s transparent, consistent and comparable ESG data, as well as its reference, pricing and research datasets, resulting in greater data coverage and usability within customers’ workflows. The solution provides quick access to high-quality ESG data and seamlessly links it to the full breadth of a customer’s investment universe.

Invest in a more resilient future, cross-asset ESG and climate indices

Bloomberg’s sustainable index offerings are built on our comprehensive, cross-asset indices, and Bloomberg’s index team collaborates with ESG and climate research teams across the firm to produce and maintain strategic, and often groundbreaking, benchmarks. We also collaborate with leading ESG ratings, framework and data providers, and investment managers to create index alternatives that meet the diverse needs of investors.

Where and how do you source your data?

Bloomberg incorporates ESG data from multiple sources so firms can look at ESG holistically and in combination with other data factors informing their investment strategies. 

Data sourcing

Bloomberg sources issuer-level data from companies’ annual reports, integrated annual reports, sustainability reports, stewardship/corporate governance reports, AGM results, press releases, policy documents, websites, and other publicly available documents. 

For instrument-level data, Bloomberg sources information on sustainable debt directly from issuers and involved parties via ESG frameworks, external reviews, and allocation and impact reports. Likewise, fund-level data such as holdings and SFDR classifications are collected from public sources. 

These traditional sources are complemented by innovative datasets for environmental metrics such as climate risk and biodiversity. Bloomberg provides clients with actionable insights by sourcing these datasets from geospatial ESG data providers, Bloomberg’s proprietary supply chain data and linking them to specific facilities and entities.

Quality control

Bloomberg’s global team of ESG analysts run multi-layer quality controls to clean and standardize company reporting so it is readily usable for clients. Company reported data is not included if it represents less than 80% of the company’s operations to enable complete evaluation of sustainability performance. This data is fully transparent and traceable to the original documents. Bloomberg only uses ESG data sourced from publicly available, company reported documents to calculate its ESG financial materiality scores. 

BloombergNEF maintains updated country transition level data and renewable energy and finance project information through its network of industry relationships. Its analysts also publish New Energy Outlook reports which provide independent scenarios for the transition to a low-carbon economy covering electricity, industry, buildings and transport, and the key drivers shaping these sectors until 2050. BI provides ESG investment research across all asset classes written by 400 BI analysts. 

Bloomberg’s ESG data is fully integrated into Terminal applications designed for company analysis, including Financial Analysis (FA), Equity Screening (EQS), Research Management Solutions (RMS) and Portfolio & Risk Analytics (PORT), allowing clients to efficiently incorporate ESG into the investment process. 


Bloomberg’s dedicated ESG function, {ESG <GO>} on the Bloomberg Terminal, and ESG tabs within the description pages of equities, funds and fixed income instruments on {DES ESG <GO>} provides a quick snapshot of a company’s fund or issuer’s current and historical ESG performance using the most material and best reported metrics.

What is the cost for your data offering?

Access to Bloomberg ESG data, scores, research, news and analytical tools is included in the cost of the Bloomberg Terminal. Bloomberg’s ESG data is also available as enterprise data sets via Data License, and can be accessed through Bloomberg’s ready-to-use data website, These data sets can be accessed by multiple applications and people within an organization on a different fee structure than the Bloomberg Terminal.

To learn more, visit our website or email us at

What are the key attributes that differentiate the data you offer?

Data quality excellence

With 40+ years as a leading data provider for financial markets, Bloomberg has unique expertise providing trusted and high-quality sustainability data designed for investment workflows.

Bloomberg’s company reported data represents at least 80% of company operations and at least 80% of the company's workforce to ensure it is representative of activities and is comparable across the industry, and is backed by a global team of ESG data experts. Bloomberg’s focus on quality allows clients to develop new sustainability products and meet their regulatory obligations with confidence in the underlying data.

Holistic insights achieved through superior interoperability

Bloomberg’s ESG data provides superior interoperability due to its industry-leading entity data/corporate structure data alleviating a top data management challenge so firms can look at their ESG data holistically and combined with other investment factors. Additionally, intuitive company level insights are available on the Bloomberg Terminal so clients can consider ESG factors within a broader context.

Additionally, via DL+ ESG Manager, Bloomberg connects customers’ ESG data to the full power of Bloomberg’s datasets and data from vendor partners resulting in greater data coverage and usability for investors. 

Bloomberg’s proprietary ESG scores, news, and research arms also use this data to help inform client’s strategy decisions. Customers can readily access Bloomberg’s ESG data on the Bloomberg Terminal or across their enterprise via Data License.

Active market participation

As one of the world's leading financial data providers and a long-time advocate for improving the quality and usefulness of corporate sustainability disclosures, Bloomberg has a deep understanding of the challenges surrounding ESG data, such as lack of availability, transparency and comparability. 

Bloomberg actively engages with industry initiatives to help solve for these, notably through the development and standardization of non-financial disclosures via the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), which Michael Bloomberg chairs, through membership on the EU’s Platform for Sustainable Finance, the UK’s Green Technical Advisory Group, GFANZ – Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, and via the development of high quality, transparent and reliable ESG data and analytics. This active engagement allows Bloomberg to anticipate client needs and provide data solutions that are fit for purpose.

Most recent significant update:

  • Bloomberg has released new tools to help investors measure, manage, and report on the sustainability characteristics of their investment portfolios. The tools are accessible within Bloomberg’s portfolio and risk analytics solutions, PORT, which is available to all Terminal users, and premium solution PORT Enterprise for those seeking an integrated SFDR reporting solution.

  • Bloomberg has collaborated with the Natural History Museum to combine their Biodiversity Intactness Index with Bloomberg datasets on corporate structures and asset locations, enabling users to see which companies are operating in proximity to intact ecosystems, or operating in areas where biodiversity is being lost over time.

Planned future enhancements:

  • Bloomberg is expanding its regulatory data offering, which currently covers global taxonomies, TCFD, SFDR and CSRD, to also cover regulatory requirements based on ISSB standards, and to help clients quickly understand the interoperability of EU and global sustainability reporting.

  • Bloomberg is expanding its datasets for use-of-proceeds bonds (such as green bonds) and sustainability-linked bonds. These datasets can help investors report on the impact of their bond portfolios and appraise the credit risk and opportunities of coupon changes linked to sustainability targets.

  • Bloomberg is developing analytics to enable investors to track companies’ progress against net zero commitments and assess the credibility of GHG emissions targets reported by a universe of 20,000+ companies globally.

What trends are you seeing in terms of customer demand?

This year marks a notable shift in sustainable finance with a shift of outflows from active ESG funds and the geopolitical landscape demanding stronger clarity and transparency on the ESG claims made by investors.

As a result, companies and investors are seeking transparent, accurate, and interoperable data solutions that help them to clearly and tangibly assess and execute on sustainability targets. Bloomberg’s data solutions have been designed to give clients the latest and most comprehensive insights at their fingertips to navigate the fast-changing world of sustainability with defensible data.


Jennifer Molgano

Corporate Statements by Bloomberg

Guide entries by Bloomberg