ESG Data Guide 2024

S&P Global Ratings - S&P Global Ratings Second Party Opinions, featuring Shades of Green

Data category

  • Environmental data
  • Governance data
  • Research data
  • Social data
  • Verification/Certification/External opinion
  • ICMA External Review; LMA/APLMA/LSTA External Review; ASEAN Green Bond Standards; Second Party Opinion; EU Taxonomy

The data offers solutions for:

  • Environmental impact analysis and insight
  • Investment decisions and portfolio insight
  • Reporting: EU Regulations
  • Reporting: SFDR
  • Reporting: UN SDGs
  • Social impact analysis and insight
  • Transition plan assessments
  • Alignment with ICMA’s Green, Social Bond Principles or Sustainability Bond Guidelines; ASEAN Green Bond Standards; LMA/APLMA/LSTA’s Green or Social Loan Principles; ICMA’s Sustainability-Linked Bond Principles, LMA’s Sustainability-Linked Loan Principles, EU Taxonomy (upon request)

Who are the data users?

  • Corporates
  • Financial institutions
  • Government
  • Investors
  • Companies issuing green, social, sustainability bonds/loans; Their bank advisors and investors

Brief description of the data offering

Our SPOs are a point-in-time analysis of a sustainable finance instrument, program, or framework and the characteristics of the issuing entity that are relevant for the implementation of the instrument, program, transaction, or framework. They provide a view on alignment to relevant market principles (such as ICMA, LMA, EU Taxonomy), and additionally assess the financing’s contribution in the transition to a low carbon future through our Shades of Green shading scale, which includes assigning Dark, Medium or Light shading, as appropriate (for green projects).

Light Green may motivate early movers and help to recognise transition steps in the near-term, while Dark Green acknowledges those closer to the end of their transition journey. Beyond financing that is ICMA Green Bond Principles or Sustainability Bond Principles aligned, additional shades of Yellow, Orange and Red are also possible, indicating non-alignment.

Our options include:

  • Use of Proceeds Financing SPOs (Green, Social, and Sustainability)
  • Sustainability Linked Financing SPOs

Visit our website to learn more or access our SPO public report library.

Where and how do you source your data?

  • The green/social/sustainability bond or loan framework provided by the company
  • Direct engagement between ratings analysts (both credit and sustainable finance) and company management
  • Publicly available information

What is the cost for your data offering?

Pricing depends on a number of factors e.g. complexity of framework, underlying projects and S&P Global Ratings overall relationship with the company. Please speak to a specialist to learn more.


Arlinda Mezini

Director, Product Marketing, Sustainable Finance