Iceberg Data Lab - Positive contribution biodiversity
Data category
Environmental data
The data offers solutions for:
- Environmental impact analysis and insight
- Investment decisions and portfolio insight
- Nature-based information
- Nature-based information: Biodiversity
- Nature-based information: Land use
- Nature-based information: Water
- Reporting: Impact
- Reporting: TNFD
Who are the data users?
- Corporates
- Financial institutions
- Investors
Brief description of the data offering
Iceberg Data Lab (IDL) provide both absolute values and scores for assessing biodiversity positive contribution. The absolute values for reduced and avoided impacts are expressed similarly to the Corporate Biodiversity Footprint (CBF) metric in km². MSA, IDL’s scoring system, with scores ranging from -1 to +1, facilitates a comprehensive assessment of biodiversity impact, enhancing interpretation and comparison across companies.
Impact calculation lies in its unparalleled granularity of data, allowing Iceberg Data Lab to provide a detailed and accurate assessment of a company's environmental and social contribution. Iceberg Data Lab's comprehensive consideration of Scope 3 impacts enables a more holistic and robust evaluation of a company's sustainability efforts and its impact on the broader ecosystem.
Reduced Impact:
The amount of reduced impact indicates that the company has improved its performance, resulting in fewer negative impacts than in previous years.
Avoided Impact:
The avoided impact compares the company's impact to the sector’s average. A positive avoided impact indicates that the company has a lower impact than the market average, producing similar products or services with less impact on biodiversity
Where and how do you source your data?
IDL uses only public information to source data. Company information is updated once a year.
What is the cost for your data offering?
Pricing depends on coverage requirements, and can be provided upon request at
What are the key attributes that differentiate the data you offer?
Iceberg Data Lab’s metrics are based on a robust scientific methodology constantly improved by a research team and reviewed by a scientific committee. As we do not have any business or advisory relationships with issuers, there will be no conflict of interests. Besides, the model is unified for climate and biodiversity to align with the regulator’s demands.
The model reports a full coverage of scopes 1, 2, 3, upstream and downstream. Covering all scopes is important as it can be misleading to only report on a companies’ direct emissions. For example, in some cases, scope 3 downstream can represent 90% of a companies’ total emissions. A data quality level is also reported to show the level of modelled and reported data.
We have an unbeatable granularity level covering all sectors and over 2,300 products and services. Additionally, we enable to appraise different products and services in the same sector and, therefore, identifying contributors to transition. Our model is also scalable to other environmental impact measures (i.e. waste, water, impact on human health) and can easily be derived to produce new indicators.