ESG Data Guide 2024

Morningstar Sustainalytics - Impact Metrics

Data category

  • Environmental data
  • Research data
  • Social data

The data offers solutions for:

  • Environmental impact analysis and insight
  • Investment decisions and portfolio insight
  • Norms-based screening
  • Reporting: Impact
  • Reporting: UN SDGs
  • Social impact analysis and insight

Who are the data users?

  • Financial institutions
  • Investors

Brief description of the data offering

Impact Metrics: 

Allows investors to analyse the impact of their investee companies' operations and economic activities in line with Sustainalytics’ Impact Themes and the UN SDGs. The solution includes both revenue-based sustainable activities metrics, signalling positive Impact Theme and SDG contribution, and operational and governance metrics, used to analyse a company's impact performance based on how it operates and governs itself. Our Impact Metrics data set helps investors to understand the environmental and social impacts of more than 12,600 companies across 138 sub-industries, 100,000+ funds as well as aggregations at custom-portfolio level. These are quantitative measures of environmental or social outcomes attributable to an entity’s activities (e.g. renewable energy production or its own operations, like greenhouse gas emissions, water withdrawal). We map each metric to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and six broad impact themes.

Where and how do you source your data?

Our dedicated Activities-Based Research team has around 45 analysts, senior analysts and content specialists who ensure methodological alignment, while research controllers verify data consistency and quality on a product level. 

Our quality assurance and curation provide a unique differentiation from solely AI-based solutions, as AI heavily depends on standardised corporate disclosure, which is currently very limited. 

