ESG Data Guide 2024

ICE - ICE Climate Transition Analytics Tool

Data category

Environmental data

The data offers solutions for:

  • Carbon footprinting
  • Climate scenario analysis
  • Environmental impact analysis and insight
  • Investment decisions and portfolio insight
  • Reporting: TCFD
  • Temperature alignment
  • Transition plan assessments

Who are the data users?

  • Corporates
  • Financial institutions
  • Investors
  • Trustees

Brief description of the data offering

The Climate Transition Analytics Tool, which is part of the ICE Sustainable Finance Platform, integrates climate data and science-aligned analytics at a company, sector and portfolio level. Designed by climate risk specialists, the tool helps asset owners, asset managers, investors and companies identify, measure and understand the potential climate risks and opportunities within portfolios and loan books.


  • 5,500 global companies analysed for reported emissions data
  • Modelled data for 30,000+ companies using statistical models based on a quality assured dataset of analysed companies 
  • Dataset can be expanded to meet client requirements with some basic inputs from clients
  • Equities, corporate bonds, government bonds, unlisted securities, and loans covered
  • Granular, company level emissions data
  • Reported and Modelled GHG Protocol defined Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions data
  • All 15 categories of Scope 3
  • 10-year Emissions Database
  • Temperature Targets (SBTi-aligned) for 2,400 companies (9,000 targets)



  • Carbon footprinting
  • Scope 3 materiality
  • Temperature scores (SBTi aligned)
  • Paris agreement alignment
  • Net Zero analysis, projections and Implied Temperature Rise (ITR)
  • Target setting
  • Avoided emissions
  • Stranded Assets

Delivery features and capabilities:

Carbon footprinting 

  • The carbon footprinting module on the ICE Climate Transition Analytics Tool allows analysis of the emissions/intensity of a portfolio against a chosen benchmark, broken down by Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions
  • Sector contribution and attribution analysis
  • Emissions disclosure analysis for data transparency 
  • TCFD/PCAF Aligned Reporting

Scope 3 material

  • Identify most material sources of Scope 3 emissions within your portfolio, by sector and individual Scope 3 category 
  • Heatmap visualizations 

Avoided emissions

  • Identify avoided emissions potential within your portfolio 
  • Sector-specific methodology 

Net zero analysis

  • Conduct net zero and alignment exercises using NGFS, IPCC and IEA decarbonization pathways
  • Projections to 2050 

Target setting – Paris alignment 

  • Access current alignment to your chosen climate scenario 
  • Identify carbon reduction targets at portfolio and sector level to help achieve chosen climate objective 

Temperature analysis

  • SBTi Temperature score Module 
  • Sector / company temperature scores 
  • Contribution / Attribution analysis and heatmap

Where and how do you source your data?

ICE has its own emissions and temperature targets data collection process, which is carried out by its team of ESG data researchers trained in GHG emissions reporting. Researchers collect data from public sources including but not limited to annual reports, financial statements and sustainability reports. The companies identified for emissions data analysis (~5,500) is reviewed annually to ensure comprehensive coverage. The data for each company is independently analysed by two ESG data researchers before going through broader quality assurance and outlier analysis. A component of the analysis includes assessing the completeness of the data reported by each company.

What is the cost for your data offering?

Please contact

What are the key attributes that differentiate the data you offer?

  • Data Coverage: Granular company level emissions data (GHG) for Scope 1,2&3 (all 15 categories of Scope 3)  
  • Global Database: 30,000+ securities, with 5,500 companies analyzed, extending over 10-years
  • Customizable Dataset: The dataset can be expanded with customer data input to meet individual customer requirements
  • Multi Asset: Equities, corporate bonds, sovereign bonds covered from database, plus unlisted securities, SMEs and loans can be modelled with appropriate customer data input
  • Temperature Targets: Company level temperature targets (SBTi-aligned) for 2,400 companies (9,000 targets)
  • ICE Climate Transition Analytics Tool: In-depth climate analytics – TCFD/PCAF footprint reporting and climate scenario (net zero) alignment analysis, projections to 2100, Avoided Emissions
  • Bank Climate Stress Testing: Data and methodology