ESG Data Guide 2024

ICE - SFDR Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) Data

Data category

  • Environmental data
  • Governance data
  • Social data

The data offers solutions for:

Reporting: SFDR

Who are the data users?

  • Financial institutions
  • Investors

Brief description of the data offering

ICE SFDR Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) solution offers continuously updated input values for most of the SFDR indicators. 

Where and how do you source your data?

The dataset is taken from our wider ESG Data service that captures over 550 company-reported data points from publicly-available sources and reports, and ESG risk analysis based on data from our data collaborator, RepRisk. It also uses our extensive global securities database and established corporate hierarchy information, so that ICE’s SFDR PAI solution allows clients to link equity and fixed income security holdings to the closest disclosing corporate entity.


  • Corporate ESG indicators: To address the 14 mandatory and 33 optional corporate entity indicators, ICE has mapped data points from our core ESG solution to produce a dedicated file aligned to the PAI disclosure report format
  • Sovereign ESG indicators: Coverage includes the 10 indicators required for PAI reporting. Carbon Intensity values are available for up to 212 countries and are taken from established sources
  • Data derivation: The requirements defined under the Delegated Act state a specific presentation of some of the indicators which may require calculation or derivation on top of the originating company disclosure. ICE will perform these for each company in the service.
  • Estimations: ICE can provide an estimation for historical and projected data by combining historical datasets and sector-based group analysis with inputs which influence trends in the results such as company revenue and number of employees

What is the cost for your data offering?

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