ESG Data Guide 2024 - Beyond Hindsight Climate Risk reports

Data category

  • Environmental data
  • Indices/Exchange data
  • Ratings

The data offers solutions for:

  • Climate scenario analysis
  • Environmental impact analysis and insight
  • Geospatial/location data
  • Investment decisions and portfolio insight
  • Physical risk
  • Transition plan assessments

Who are the data users?

  • Corporates
  • Financial institutions
  • Government
  • Investors
  • Trustees

Brief description of the data offering

Single Company Report:
A comprehensive look at the physical climate risk for a company and its subsidiaries powered by a bottom-up analysis of the individual physical assets owned and operated by the company.  


Single Company Report and Asset Detail Appendix:
An enhanced version of the report that provides detail on the specific physical asset identified in the detailed studies within the analysis.  

Single Company Report, Asset Detail Appendix & Underlying Data:
For more sophisticated organisations and advanced use cases, Riskthinking.AI can provide Beyond Hindsight customers with access to the detailed underlying physical asset and climate risk data along with the report and physical asset data at a company level.  

Single Company Regulatory Report & Underlying Data:
To make it easier to meet the emerging demands of the global regulatory environment, tailored company-specific reporting designed to answer a specific range of regulatory questions. 

Custom Portfolio & Index Reports:
In addition to the company-specific reports, clients can provide a weighted portfolio of publicly traded companies for a custom analysis of the aggregate climate risk exposures within the portfolio across all of the investments.

Where and how do you source your data?

Riskthinking.AI has introduced a patented and mathematically-consistent approach to simulate the future uncertainty and impacts of climate change. This approach powers our Climate Earth Digital Twin (CDT) and generates the data and analytics used to create this Beyond Hindsight reports.

The foundation of our CDT is a clean, structured and completely integrated dataset that enables Riskthinking.AI to consistently apply our methodology across global locations, horizons and risk factors. 

The CDT aligns more than two-trillion data points across multiple integrated data layers. These layers cover physical assets, climate hazards, economic risks, emissions and socioeconomic data. The following table presents the main data layers in the CDT.

The CDT’s physical asset database currently covers more than 80,000 parent companies, 350,000 subsidiary companies, and 5,000,000 physical assets. 

To build this database, Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) and Natural Language Processing (“NLP”) are used to harvest physical assets from publicly available sources, identify the owners, and assign the asset type. Computer vision, applied to publicly available satellite images, is used to model physical asset footprint and size.

For every location on Earth, the Climate Earth Digital Twin covers the uncertainty distributions of more than 20 climate hazards. 

To systematically apply our stochastic approach, Riskthinking.AI requires historical and forward-looking uncertainty distributions for multiple climate hazards. These distributions represent the full array of expert projections and their probabilities. It is essential to consider every projection – including the extremes – when measuring the future uncertainty and potential impact of climate change.

The CDT includes significant climate hazard data to fulfill the requirements of our stochastic approach. All source data meets a minimum set of integrity requirements, including that they are published by a peer-reviewed journal (e.g., Nature Climate Change), intergovernmental organisation (e.g. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) or government agency (e.g., National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (“NOAA”)).

What is the cost for your data offering?

Single Company Report:
Prices starting at $10,000 per company

Single Company Report and Asset Detail Appendix:
Prices starting at $17,000 per company

Single Company Report, Asset Detail Appendix & Underlying Data:
Prices starting at $30,000 per company

Single Company Regulatory Report & Underlying Data:
Prices starting at $90,000 per company

Custom Portfolio & Index Reports:
Prices starting at $50,000 per portfolio or index


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