ESG Data Guide 2024

DYDON AI - TAXO TOOL: AI Solution for Sustainable Finance

Data category

  • Environmental data
  • Governance data
  • Social data
  • Research data; EU TAXONOMY compliance; Supply Chain Risk Monitoring

The data offers solutions for:

  • Carbon footprinting
  • Reporting: EU Regulations
  • Reporting: SFDR

Who are the data users?

  • Corporates
  • Financial institutions
  • Investors

Brief description of the data offering

Dydon AI’s solution for the EU Taxonomy (TAXO TOOL) - developed in collaboration with the Association of German Public Banks (VÖB), and its subsidiary VÖB-Service - guides companies and bank advisors with their clients through the EU Taxonomy assessment process facilitating it.

The TAXO TOOL addresses banks, saving banks, insurance and investment companies, fund managers, consulting firms, and corporates falling under this new regulation.

Benefit from our award-winning digitisation of the EU Taxonomy regulation allowing seamless assessment of the alignment with the Substantial Contribution, the Do No Significant Harm criteria, and the Minimum Safeguards.

Generate an audit-ready export in just a few clicks. Our AI-based automation and workflows simplify every stage of the reporting process.

The AI solution automatically analyzes documents and extracts pertinent information. Based on the acquired data, the solution can support the answers to the EU Taxonomy’s long list of questions, streamlining the workflow for banking personnel, and speeding up the process enormously. 

Integrating the external data of Munich Re, we provide our clients also with geolocalisation-based climate and geological risk assessment, as an additional feature.

Where and how do you source your data?

Dydon AI’s platform is capable to capture and store numeric and textual data from various sources that are internal and external to the customer (websites, social media, documents, RSS data feeds etc.).

What we do:

  • Screening publicly available data for company specific ESG terms (e.g. carbon emissions)
  • Generating a company specific rating
  • Complete drill down allows detailed analysis of generated rating results 
  • Additional data sources (internal / external) can be flexibly added 
  • The performed ESG assessment of public data is focused on the monitoring of Minimum Social Safeguard parameters relevant for assessing EU Taxonomy regulation supporting the also offered EU Taxonomy assessment service of Dydon AI

What is the cost for your data offering?

Please contact us to learn more.
