ESG Data Guide 2024

GRESB - Asset-level Indicators

Data category

  • Environmental data
  • Geospatial Data

The data offers solutions for:

  • Carbon footprinting
  • Climate scenario analysis
  • Environmental impact analysis and insight
  • Geospatial/location data
  • Investment decisions and portfolio insight
  • Physical risk
  • Reporting: EU Regulations
  • Reporting: ISSB standards
  • Reporting: Other Regulations
  • Reporting: SFDR
  • Reporting: TCFD
  • Transition plan assessments

Who are the data users?

  • Financial institutions
  • Government
  • Research institutions; NGOs; data and analytics providers; consultancies

Brief description of the data offering

Asset-level indicators include data for over 350,000+ physical assets across 11 high GHG emitting sectors linked to their private and public owners under a consistent framework ensuring comparability across assets and companies. The historical and forward-looking indicators (up to 2030 and beyond for some sectors) include, for each asset, capacity, production, emissions intensities and absolute emissions, geolocation information, and ownership information to facilitate matching to financial portfolios. Asset-level indicators provide a granular view of companies within a portfolio. They can be used by financial institutions for several key activities. These include assessing and managing transition and physical risks, conducting climate scenario analysis, setting targets, measuring and reporting progress, calculating financed emissions, leveraging climate-related opportunities, and crafting engagement strategies with investee companies.

Where and how do you source your data?

We partner with leading business intelligence providers and open-source data initiatives to source data on physical assets in the real economy. Our team maps the physical assets with security issuers using ownership data from various third-party sources. We calculate key indicators at asset, company and security levels, including greenhouse gas emissions metrics, using our in-house bottom-up asset-based algorithms and methodologies. We triangulate multiple data sources across the sectors we cover, work with data providers to fill data gaps and complement this with our own research. Finally, we also gather information and feedback directly from some of the companies we cover, and through partnerships with research institutions. This consistent framework enables comparability across assets, companies and sectors.  

What is the cost for your data offering?

The cost is variable and depends on the granularity and coverage of the data, the use case for the data, and the size and type of user (non-profit research, commercial application). 


Felix Eric, Client Engagement

Tel:  +33 6 89 78 01 81