The Future of ESG Data Asia 2023

14 November 2023, 9:00 AM SGT, Singapore

Sands Expo & Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands • 10 Bayfront Avenue, Singapore 018956



Welcoming remarks: Peter Cripps, Editor, Environmental Finance


Keynote address (virtual): Jingdong Hua, Vice-Chair, International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB)


Keynote interview: Saj Molaee, Chief Financial Officer for Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, AstraZeneca

Interviewed by:
Peter Cripps, Editor, Environmental Finance


Investor panel: What ESG data do investors need?

  • How is ESG data incorporated into investment decisions?
  • How are data gaps and multi-vendor strategies being managed?
  • Using third-party data vs developing in-house tools and methodologies
  • How are climate transition screening tools being applied and how reliable are they?
  • How can this be applied to portfolio construction and shareholder engagement?
  • Mitigating greenwashing risks

Hardik Shah, Experienced ESG Professional

Chee Wee Tan, Senior Environmental and Social Specialist (Private Sector), Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Ellen Martin, Chief Impact Officer, Circulate Capital
Joanne Khew, Director, ESG Specialist, Eastspring Investments
Sze Lin Low, Assistant Director, Risk Management, Fullerton Fund Management 


Case study: Identifying ESG materiality

  • A deep dive into how to approach the selection of ESG indicators and metrics
  • Why ESG materiality is as significant to long-term returns as financial materiality
  • How relevant data collection can be achieved and understood
  • What do boards and management need to understand about ESG materiality and risks?
  • 'Business as mutual' – achieving alignment on ESG metrics and KPIs with investors

Peter Cripps, Editor, Environmental Finance

Calvin Lee Kwan, Head of Sustainability & Risk Governance, Link Asset Management




Morning networking break


Panel: The future of ESG data amid a rapidly changing regulatory landscape

  • Updates on global ESG regulations and taxonomies and what this means for the APAC region
  • How are different jurisdictions preparing for ISSB? What are the next steps?
  • How feasible is ISSB integration in the region? Will an ISSB-lite version be necessary given reporting and data challenges in the region?
  • What is the future for ESG data providers amid the emerging trend of asset owners/managers building their own data methodologies?

Aurelia Britsch, Senior Director, Global Head of Climate Risk, Sustainable Fitch

Ana Isabel Gonzalez Encinas, Group Chief Investment Officer, Farringdon Asset Management
Elaine Ng, Associate Director, International Affairs & Sustainable Finance, Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission
Elsa Pau, Founder and CEO, BlueOnion
Tomoko Tsuruno, Senior Advisor, CSR Design Green Investment Advisory



Panel: ESG ratings and transparency

  • How can ESG rating providers access more granular data?
  • How are regulators seeking to oversee and ensure transparency in ESG ratings?
  • Could regulatory oversight inhibit innovation?
  • How are providers building out regulatory data sets?
  • How are investors going beyond ratings?
  • Will third party data assurance and auditing become mandatory?

Nicoletta Centofanti, General Manager, Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative

Munib Madni, Founder and CEO, Panarchy Partners
Mervyn Tang, Head of Sustainability, APAC, Schroders
Sadiq Currimbhoy,
Head of Sustainability, Vulpes Investment Management




Panel: Decarbonisation, data and disclosure – trends in corporate sustainability reporting

  • Strategies for effective ESG disclosure and sustainability reporting
  • Efforts to standardise disclosure: what solutions are available?
  • What do investors need corporate to disclose?
  • Why is asset-level data critical for investors when understanding physical risks as well as impacts and dependencies on ecosystem resources?
  • What will be the knock-on effect for ESG ratings?

Tiange Wei, Asia-Pacific Lead, Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF), & Managing Consultant, Guidehouse
Esther An, Chief Sustainability Officer, City Developments Limited
Jose Antonio Enrique "Q" Mabasa, Associate Director, Principal Asset Management
Nicolette Bartlett, Chief Impact Officer, CDP 
Yayan Indriatmoko, Head of Social and Environmental Division, Indonesia Infrastructure Finance


Panel: Scope 3, supply chains and SMEs

  • Overcoming regional and sector data access challenges
  • What progress is being made in understanding Scope 3 emissions? Who is leading in this area?
  • Which regulatory jurisdictions will require it be reported?
  • Deciphering the data gaps in supply chains
  • How can supply chain mapping and monitoring be improved?
  • What solutions and datasets are trying to unearth and support SME data collection?

Peter Cripps, Editor, Environmental Finance

Amandeep Singh Bedi, Managing Director - Sustainability Solutions, ENGIE Impact
Arne Geschke, Founder and CTO, FairSupply
Benjamin Soh, Managing Director, STACS



Afternoon networking break


Fireside chat: Unpicking net-zero pathways

  • Emerging standards and best practices for identifying climate transition pathways
  • Setting targets and measuring performance

Peter Cripps, Editor, Environmental Finance

Brynn O'Brien, Executive Director, Australasian Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ACCR)



Fireside chat: Nature-related disclosures and understanding biodiversity portfolio risks

  • How are companies translating datasets into nature-related impact and dependency assessments?
  • Are investors starting to factor in biodiversity risk? Do investors know what biodiversity data they need?
  • Data and technology innovations to support credible corporate nature reporting
  • How was the latest TNFD framework received?
  • How TNFD can help mainstream corporate reporting on impacts, dependencies and risks related to natural capital

Adam Ng, Asia-Pacific Regional & Technical Lead (Greening Financial Regulation Initiative), WWF Malaysia
Ignace Nguyen, Client Portfolio Manager – Listed Assets, Mirova *an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers
Laura Canas da Costa, Senior Global Policy Expert, United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative
Makoto Haraguchi, SVP of Sustainability Section, MS&AD Insurance Group, Member, Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD)


Chair’s closing remarks


Close of conference and networking drinks reception