The Future of ESG Data 2020 Virtual Conference


Lead Sponsors

We are an independent provider of research-driven insights and tools for institutional investors. We have deep expertise in the areas of risk and performance measurement that is based on more than 40 years of academic research, real-world experience and collaboration with our clients.

Our broad product line supports clients' needs across all major asset classes and provides them with a consistent way of looking at risk and performance from front to middle office. We have a highly flexible business model that enables clients to select the individual products and services they need and integrate them into their own investment processes and methodologies.

  • Asset owners use our research, data, benchmarks and multi-asset class risk management tools to determine whether the managers they hire are delivering appropriate risk-adjusted returns
  • Chief investment officers use our extensive, high-quality data to develop and test investment strategies. They also use our models and performance attribution tools to understand the drivers of return in their portfolios
  • Active managers rely on our factor models, data and portfolio construction and optimization tools to build portfolios and keep them aligned with their investment objectives
  • Passive managers use our index data, equity factor models and optimizer to construct their index funds and ETFs
  • Chief risk officers choose our risk management systems to understand, monitor and control risk in the portfolios they are safeguarding



ISS ESG is the responsible investment arm of Institutional Shareholder Services Inc., the world's leading provider of environmental, social, and governance solutions for asset owners, asset managers, hedge funds, and asset servicing providers. With more than 30 years of corporate governance expertise and 25 years of providing in-depth responsible investment research and analytics, ISS ESG has the unique understanding of the requirements of institutional investors.

With its comprehensive offering of solutions, ISS ESG enables investors to develop and integrate responsible investing policies and practices, engage on responsible investment issues, and monitor portfolio company practices through screening solutions.

It also provides climate data, analytics, and advisory services to help financial market participants understand, measure, and act on climate-related risks across all asset classes. In addition, ISS ESG delivers corporate and country ESG research and ratings enabling its clients to identify material social and environmental risks and opportunities. Along with these robust ESG offerings, the unit provides institutions with an established standard in measuring, analyzing, projecting, valuing, and discounting a firm's underlying economic profit.

Morningstar is a leading provider of ESG data and research critical to the investment decision. Our mission is to empower investor success; our sustainability data, software, research and services are integral to this effort. Learn more about our ESG Proprietary Data, Software Tools Research, Insights, Ratings, and Investment Solutionsat :


Four Twenty Seven (, an affiliate of Moody's, is a publisher of data and analysis related to physical climate and environmental risks.

We tackle physical risk head on by identifying the locations of corporate production and retail sites around the world and their exposure to climate change hazards such as sea level rise, droughts, floods and tropical storms, which pose an immediate threat to investment portfolios.

Four Twenty Seven's ever-growing database now includes one million corporate sites and covers over 2000 publicly-traded companies.

We also offer on-demand climate risk scores for real assets. Our subscription products and on-demand analytics include data licenses, an interactive analytics platform, and company scorecards, as well as reporting services, data for scenario analysis, and real asset portfolio risk assessments.

Sustainalytics, a Morningstar Company, is a leading independent ESG and corporate governance research, ratings and analytics firm that supports investors around the world with the development and implementation of responsible investment strategies.

For more than 25 years, the firm has been at the forefront of developing high-quality, innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of global investors. Today, Sustainalytics works with hundreds of the world's leading asset managers and pension funds who incorporate ESG and corporate governance information and assessments into their investment processes. Sustainalytics also works with hundreds of companies and their financial intermediaries to help them consider sustainability in policies, practices and capital projects.

With 16 offices globally, Sustainalytics has more than 650 staff members, including more than 200 analysts with varied multidisciplinary expertise across more than 40 industry groups. For more information, visit


S&P Global

Urgentem is an independent provider of emissions data, climate risk analytics and advisory to the finance industry for robust carbon investment strategies.

Our dataset provides a comprehensive time series of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol defined Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions of the largest 4,500+ global companies that are directly analysed by us along with modelled data available for 30,000+ securities.

The data includes Scope 1 emissions, Scope 2 for both market and location-based emissions, and each of the 15 disclosure categories of Scope 3 emissions, covering the major investable indices.

Using our data, analytics, and Element6™ Climate Risk Platform, clients are able to create investable financial products or benchmarks that are specifically designed to reallocate capital towards the most resource efficient and sustainable companies, clearly understand their portfolio emissions and climate risks, meet regulatory and fiduciary reporting requirements, spot opportunities and navigate the transition to a sustainable economy.
