Sustainability-Linked Products and Social Bonds

On demand

Social bonds focus

13:00 BST/ 08:00 EDT

PANEL: Social bonds

  • Is a Build Back Better sentiment still driving momentum for social bonds?
  • How are issuers approaching use-of-proceeds in an innovative way?
  • What do investors think of different use of proceeds structures and impacts of social bonds?

Amy West, Managing Director & Global Head of Sustainable Finance & Corporate Transitions, TD Securities

Denise Odaro, Head of Investor Relations, International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Anna Pot, Head of Responsible Investments, Americas, APG Asset Management
Ana Guardia García, Head of Capital Markets, ICO


FIRESIDE CHAT: How social bonds apply to corporate issuers

Pascale Forde-Maurice, Sustainable Banking, Crédit Agricole CIB

Karine Fourneron, Non-Financial Reporting & SRI, Orange


Let’s chat


PANEL: The “art” of social bond impact reporting

  • The tools, methodologies and metrics for social bond impact reporting
  • Best practices, areas for improvement and main challenges
  • The perspective from both issuers and investors: what are their social impact reporting needs?

Cédric Merle, Head of Centre of Expertise & Innovation, Green & Sustainable Hub, Natixis

Jun Dumolard, CFO, Unédic
Isabelle Vic-Philippe, Head of Euro Aggregate, Amundi
Christian Fizaine, Expert Analyst, Service Public de Wallonie


PANEL: The potential for social bonds – during and beyond the Covid-19 pandemic

  • Issuer perspective: the opportunities and challenges of social bond issuance during the pandemic
  • Looking beyond the pandemic: how to ensure social bonds will continue to grow and still represent a material share of sustainable bond issuance
  • Investor perspective: should there be a 'Do No Significant Harm' for social bonds?
  • Investor expectations of social bond categories, underlying projects, reporting and impact measurements

Stéphane Marciel, Head of Sustainable Bonds, Société Générale

Steve Grobet,
Executive Vice President, Communication & Investor Relations, Orpéa
Félix Grote,
Head of Long Term Funding Operations, Council of Europe Development Bank
Andreas Wein,
Head of Funding and Debt Investor Relations, LBBW
Xuan Sheng Ou Yong, Green Bonds & ESG Analyst, BNP Paribas Asset Management


Close of day one

Sustainability-linked products focus

12:30 BST/ 7:30 EDT

Chairperson’s opening remarks


KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Berlin Hyp’s sustainability-linked and green bonds – investments aligned with the Paris Agreement’s goals

Annabelle Palmer, Content Strategist, Environmental Finance

Bodo Winkler-Viti, Head of Funding & Investor Relations, Berlin Hyp


PANEL: The coexisting roles of green bonds and sustainability-linked bonds

  • Which specific role each instrument has to play?
  • Where can we see the complementarity of the two instruments?
  • What is their respective reach in terms of investor demand?

Agnès Gourc, Co-head, BNP Paribas Sustainable Finance Markets

Adriana Cruz Felix, Head of Sustainable Finance Research, V.E, an affiliate of Moody's
Alban De Faÿ, Head of Fixed Income ESG Investing, Amundi
Bram Bos, Lead Portfolio Manager Green Bonds, NN Investment Partners
Leila Sassi,
Corporate Finance and Treasury, Financing and Capital Markets Manager, LafargeHolcim


CASE STUDY: Connecting the dots – building a debut Sustainability Bond Framework

Daniel Shurey, Director, Sustainable Finance Americas, ING

Chuck Graybeal, Principal, Corporate Finance, FedEx


Let’s chat


PANEL: Structuring considerations for sustainability-linked bonds

  • How do you determine material, core and relevant KPIs?
  • How do we measure the level of ambition?
  • What is the right number of KPIs?
  • Does a sustainability-linked bond need to be Paris-aligned?

Marilyn Ceci, Managing Director & Global Head of ESG Debt Capital Markets, J.P. Morgan

Zach Margolis,
Manager, Corporate Solutions, Sustainalytics
Joshua Linder, Senior Credit Analyst, APG Asset Management
Andreas Wollein,
Head of Group Finance and Investor Relations, Verbund


PRESENTATION: Suzano’s sustainability-linked bond

Julio Ramundo, Treasury Director, Suzano


PANEL: The role of ESG and climate data in corporate financing

  • How are issuers and investors of GSS bond and KPI-linked products harnessing data?
  • How is a leading bank leveraging data to determine climate and sustainable finance funding and financing?
  • How can ESG ratings be integrated into an issuer's sustainable corporate development strategy and reporting?

Howard Sherman, Executive Director, MSCI

Caroline Haas, Head of Sustainable Finance, FIs & SSAs, NatWest Markets
Bartosz Krzemiński, Manager, Strategy and Investor Relations, PKN ORLEN


Chairperson’s closing remarks


Close of conference

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