Natural Capital Investment EMEA 2024

12 March 2024, London

Gold sponsors

A committed player and a leading player in sustainable finance, Mirova is a conviction-based management company that offers its clients investment solutions combining the search for financial performance with environmental and social impact. This is our raison d'être: to contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive economy by increasing our positive impact on environmental issues, but also on reducing inequalities. As ‘Mission-led company’1, thanks to multidisciplinary teams united around the same vision, the variety of our areas of expertise, and our ability to innovate and create partnerships with the best experts, we seek to direct capital towards the needs of investment in a real, sustainable and value-creating economy. Our internationally recognised BCorpTM2 certification attests to our environmental and social commitment.

(1) Introduced in France in 2018 under the Pacte Law, a ‘société à mission’ company must define its "raison d'être" and one or more social, societal or environmental objectives beyond profit. The purpose, and objectives aligned with this purpose, must be set out in its Articles of Association. The Articles specify the means by which the execution of the Mission will be monitored by a Mission Committee (a corporate body distinct from the board of directors which is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the mission with at least one employee.) An independent third party then verifies the execution of the Mission, via a written opinion which is annexed to the report of the Mission Committee to shareholders and made available on the website of the company for a period of five years.

(2) Since 2006, the B Corp movement has been promoting strong values of change throughout the world to make businesses “a force for good” and to distinguish those which reconcile profit (for profit) and collective interest (for purpose). B Corp’s goal is to certify companies that integrate social, societal and environmental objectives into their business model and operations.

Our multi-affiliate approach connects you to the independent thinking and focused expertise of more than 15 active managers. Ranked among the world's largest asset managers,1 (USD 1.2 trillion AUM2) we deliver a diverse range of solutions across asset classes, styles, and vehicles. We're dedicated to advancing sustainable finance and developing innovative ESG products. We consult and partner with our clients, and continually evaluate markets and assumptions to ensure their strategy delivers on long-term goals.
1 Cerulli Quantitative Update: Global Markets 2023 ranked Natixis Investment Managers as the 17th largest asset manager in the world based on assets under management as of December 31, 2022.
2 Assets under management ("AUM") of affiliated entities measured as of December 31, 2023 are $1,288.6 billion (€1,166.5 billion). AUM, as reported, may include notional assets, assets serviced, gross assets, assets of minority-owned affiliated entities and other types of non-regulatory AUM managed or serviced by firms affiliated with Natixis Investment Managers.

New Forests is a global investment manager of nature-based real assets and natural capital strategies, with AUD 10.73 billion (USD 7.3 billion) in assets under management across more than 1.2 million hectares (3.14 million acres) of investments. We manage a diversified portfolio of sustainable timber plantations and conservation areas, carbon and conservation finance projects, agriculture, timber processing and infrastructure. We aim to generate shared prosperity for our clients and the communities in which we operate and accelerate the transition to a sustainable future.

New Forests' vision is to see investment in land use and forestry as central to the transition to a sustainable future. To achieve this vision, New Forests' investment strategies support the role of forests as nature-based solutions, provide sustainable wood fibre for the growing circular bioeconomy, and contribute to the sustainable development of regional economies and rural communities. Headquartered in Sydney, New Forests is a Certified B Corp and operates in Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Africa and the United States. For more information, please visit:

MSCI is a leading provider of critical decision support tools and services for the global investment community. With over 50 years of expertise in research, data, and technology, we power better investment decisions by enabling clients to understand and analyze key drivers of risk and return and confidently build more effective portfolios. We create industry-leading research-enhanced solutions that clients use to gain insight into and improve transparency across the investment process.

For more information, please visit

Nuveen Natural Capital is a land-focused investment manager with over 35 years of investment experience. Managing across diverse geographies, crop and tree species, commodity, value-add and environmental markets, and operating strategies, we provide investors with access to global farmland and timberland opportunities. With $12.4B in AUM and over 3 million acres across 590+ properties in 10 countries, our platform is equipped to deliver investment solutions to protect and enhance nature, climate and people.

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The UK Nature Impact Fund, a joint venture between Federated Hermes and Finance Earth, is an innovative, UK Government-backed Natural Capital fund providing long term financing to nature projects and related businesses across the UK. Federated Hermes is a global leader in active, responsible investment with over $700 billion of AUM across a number of public and private markets asset classes1.

Finance Earth is a leading firm in UK and international environmental impact investment across nature and climate.

1. As at 30 June 2023

Silver sponsors

We are committed to financing solutions for farmland that are rooted in nature, focusing on climate and communities in developed markets such as Australia, Europe, and the United States. Despite nature offering over a third of the necessary solutions to restrict global warming to 1.5 C, it is alarmingly underfunded, receiving only 2% of global climate finance.

The voluntary carbon market offers a distinctive opportunity to direct private capital towards nature-based farmland solutions. These solutions not only yield substantial carbon benefits but also bolster climate adaptation, biodiversity, and the livelihoods of local and indigenous communities.

In parallel, corporations are seeking carbon projects of high quality and integrity to fulfill their ambitious climate commitments. Nature-based farmland solutions can play a pivotal role in curbing carbon emissions and preserving our planet’s health.

Our mission at Agriculture Capital is to amplify investment in nature-based farmland solutions in developed markets and curtail emissions in the agriculture/food supply chain. We offer upfront financing for nature-based farmland carbon projects to cater to the needs of global buyers. Simultaneously, we ensure fair outcomes for local communities and boost biodiversity.

Calculus Carbon is an environmental commodities market maker helping connect institutional capital to large scale carbon sequestration projects deploying Nature Based and Tech Based solutions in the Global South. With a portfolio of 11 projects across SE Asia and Africa, Calculus Carbon is a Temasek portfolio entity via InfoEdge Ventures.

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GIST Impact is a leading impact data and analytics provider that has been measuring and quantifying corporate impacts for more than 16 years.

With a team of 100+ scientists, engineers, data scientists and environmental economists, GIST Impact delivers market-leading impact platforms and datasets, covering 14,000+ companies with geographically precise, time-series data.

GIST Impact works with pioneering companies across all sectors and with investors representing over $8 trillion in assets under management.

GIST Impact also partners with some of the world's largest ESG data providers, business networks, and fintech platforms to enable impact measurement across global markets.

Iceberg Data Lab is an independent environmental data provider leveraging state-of-the-art technologies and science-based methodologies to support Financial Institutions in assessing their environmental impact. IDL's approach offers the ability to compare and aggregate environmental metrics and identify negative and positive impact across all sectors and asset classes including unlisted real assets. IDL's full range of solutions includes Biodiversity footprint, carbon footprint, Temperature, Green Share as well as Physical and Transition Risk. Contact:, please visit

ISS ESG solutions enable investors to develop and integrate responsible investing policies and practices, engage on responsible investment issues, and monitor portfolio company practices through screening solutions. It also provides climate data, analytics, and advisory services to help financial market participants understand, measure, and act on climate-related risks across all asset classes. In addition, ESG solutions cover corporate and country ESG research and ratings enabling its clients to identify material social and environmental risks and opportunities. Contact: Website:

Founded in 2009, and with $580 million in assets under management (AUM), SLM Partners is a real assets managers investing in regenerative farming and forestry. It has investment programmes in three continents, spanning the US, Australia and Europe and it is investing across several agriculture and forestry systems including livestock, arable farming, permanent and specialty crops, commercial forestry and carbon projects.

SLM's strategies provide investors with the benefits of natural real assets – portfolio diversification, income yield, inflation hedge – alongside positive environmental impacts across soils, biodiversity and carbon sequestration. Investment highlights include organic row crops in the US Midwest, continuous cover forestry in Ireland, regenerative orchards in Iberia and a native regeneration carbon project in Australia which has contracted sales of 1,735,613 Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCU) - representing 1.7m tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) sequestered.

For more information, please visit

The BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group (TIG) is one of the world's oldest and largest timberland investment managers with US$ 5.6 billion assets and commitments (as of November 2022) and ~3 million acres under management throughout the U.S. and Latin America (as of March 2022). TIG is focused on achieving compelling investment returns while also applying high standards of environmental and social governance, and has a 40+ year track record with over 100 professional staff members in 15 offices around the globe, bringing local, regional, and global experience to bear on the management of client investments.

For more information please visit:

Verra is a global leader helping to tackle the world's most intractable environmental and social challenges. As a mission-driven non-profit organization, Verra is committed to helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve livelihoods, and protect natural resources by working with the private and public sectors. We support climate action and sustainable development with standards, tools, and programs that credibly, transparently and robustly assess environmental and social impacts and enable funding for sustaining and scaling up projects that verifiably deliver these benefits.

The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program is Verra's flagship program. The VCS Program allows registered projects to turn GHG emission reductions and removals into tradable carbon credits called Verified Carbon Units (VCUs). To date, over 1,780 projects registered in the VCS program have issued almost 880 million carbon credits.

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is a global nonprofit with a mission to save wildlife and wild places worldwide through science, conservation action, education, and inspiring people to value nature. The world's least degraded tropical forests keep our planet 0.5 degrees C cooler and their conservation save trillions of dollars in climate impacts for the global economy. But current nature finance systems are aimed at restoring heavily degraded, deforested areas or those that are at immediate threat of deforestation. It's time to turn our focus towards conserving the forests that are still in good condition. WCS is developing a new market that incentivizes the conservation of high integrity tropical forests and the benefits they provide.

For more information please visit: High Integrity Forest Investment Initiative -

Bronze sponsors

Climate Asset Management is a specialist asset management firm dedicated exclusively to nature, offering investment solutions that are designed to be positive for nature, people and our planet. Its investment strategies work across landscapes aiming to build resilience whilst generating returns. The Natural Capital Strategy aims to deliver long-term financial returns alongside improved environmental outcomes from regenerative landscape management in agriculture, forestry and environmental assets. The Nature Based Carbon Strategy targets landscape restoration in developing economies to deliver biodiversity improvements at scale for climate resilience, community benefits and high-quality carbon credits to help global corporations meet their decarbonisation targets. In late 2022, it announced the initial first close of $650 million across both strategies.

Climate Asset Management is a joint-venture between Pollination, the global climate change advisory and investment firm, and HSBC Asset Management.

NatureAlpha is an award-winning supplier of nature-risk management data. Our science-based datasets assess nature and biodiversity-related impacts, dependencies, controversies and management, and are designed to be applied at the asset, company and portfolio level. With over 30 submodules, data supports investors in understanding, managing and mitigating exposure of their investments to nature and biodiversity related risks and impacts, alongside their biodiversity footprint.