Natural Capital Investment 2023

23 March 2023, London

Hilton Tower Bridge • 5 More London Place, Tooley Street, London SE1 2BY



Chair’s opening remarks

Thomas Cox, Senior Writer, Environmental Finance


Keynote fireside chat: TNFD date

  • Taskforce update on the measurement of impacts, dependencies, and risks
  • Update on development of additional guidance for additional sectors
  • TNFD's pilot nature scenarios: proposed categories of metrics to assess dependencies
  • The TNFD Data Catalyst: how it is looking to address shortcomings in current nature-related data and analytics
  • Outcomes of COP 15

Speaker: Abyd Karmali, Taskforce Member, TNFD

Interviewer: Peter Cripps, Editor, Environmental Finance



Keynote panel: COP15 outcomes - what it means for investors

  • What are the most meaningful outcomes for nature-based solutions and investment driven initiatives at COP 15?
  • How should investors react and adapt?
  • Has enough been achieved and what are the steps forward?

Peter Cripps, Editor, Environmental Finance

David Vyravipillai, Investment Manager, Railpen
Emine Isciel, Head of Climate and Environment, Storebrand
Maria Nazarova-Doyle, Head of Pension Investments, Scottish Widows
Matthieu Maurin, CEO and Co-Founder, Iceberg Data Lab
Vian Sharif, CEO, NatureAlpha and Head of Sustainability, FNZ



Keynote fireside chat

Snorre Gjerde, Lead Investment Stewardship Manager, Norges Bank Investment Management

Interviewer: Annabelle Palmer, Content Strategist, Environmental Finance



Morning networking break


Panel: Regulation and nature-related disclosures

  • Is the development of standards and TNFD requirements raising the expectation of nature positive performance?
  • What are the practical challenges for organisations in implementing the TNFD framework, alongside meeting the requirements of SFDR and other climate-related risk frameworks?
  • How organisations measuring, assessing and reporting on the materiality of nature-related risks?
  • How can natural capital accounting be applied?

Rebecca Booth, Client Director, Carey

William Mason, Director General, Guernsey Financial Services Commission
Dr. Sam Lacey, Business Development Director, NatureMetrics
Eloisa Menguzzo, Research AnalystResponsible Investment, PGGM
Ross Grier, Managing Director, NextEnergy Capital



Panel: Natural capital and carbon

  • Where does carbon fit into nature-based solutions?
  • How are corporates looking at natural capital and carbon?
  • The innovative development of carbon standards and scaling the voluntary carbon credit market
  • How can technology help with measuring both carbon credit volume and quality?
  • The potential of biodiversity credits – when could they take hold and what can we learn from carbon credits?
  • How could investors and corporates deploy capital into carbon credit markets at scale?

Jenny McInnes, Group Head of Sustainability Policy and Partnership, HSBC
Opening 5-minute presentation by Chloris Geospatial

Edit Kiss, Chief Investment Officer, Revalue Nature
Julie Moorad, Senior Manager, Global Climate Action, Salesforce
Marco Albani, CEOChloris Geospatial
Martin Berg, Chief Investment Officer, Climate Asset Management (CAM) 




Panel: The role of sovereigns

  • How can sovereign debt restructuring and 'debt for nature' swaps be used to protect nature?
  • How efficient or effective in terms of transaction costs are debt for nature swaps?
  • How does nature and biodiversity loss play into sovereign debt risk and GDP growth
  • Are sovereigns missing an opportunity to restructure debt and link it to climate and conservation KPIs?
  • Innovative issuances: Sovereign sustainability-linked bonds, blue bonds, carbon offset offtake agreements – what structures are sovereigns considering?
  • What nature-related KPIs can be identified?
  • Creating more understanding around KPIs – for climate and conservation outcomes
  • What role could development banks and supranationals play

Barbara Oldani, Lead, Sustainability-linked Sovereign Debt Hub (SSDH)

Alastair Mullen, Head of Rainforest Capital Markets Initiative, REDD+
Paul Steele, Chief Economist, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
Stephanie Mielnik, Director, Research, Anthropocene Fixed Income Institute (AFII)


Fireside chat: ‘Integrity in nature-based solutions in the VCM’

David Antonioli, CEO, Verra

Peter Cripps,
Editor, Environmental Finance


Fireside chat: NA100 - The benefits of collaborative engagement initiatives

Rashila Kerai, Senior Analyst / Biodiversity Specialist, Robeco

Michael Hurley, Deputy Editor, Environmental Finance


Panel: Solutions to scale and mitigate risk

  • What are the working solutions to dramatically scale-up institutional investment into natural climate solutions that deliver both returns and impact?
  • Demystifying new asset classes and new geographies for investors and mitigating risk
  • Challenges around project development and identifying project pipelines

Nathan Shuler, Product Innovation Lead, Climate AI

Esben Brandi, Head of Development, BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group
Jim Hourdequin, CEO and Managing Director, The Lyme Timber Company
Martin Halle, Programme Manager, Climate Finance Unit, UNEP
MaryKate Bullen, Director, Sustainability & ESG, Forest Investment Associates


Afternoon networking break


Keynote Panel: Blended finance – unlocking capital

  • What role can central banks and other financial institutions play?
  • How can local infrastructure be leveraged generate impact?
  • Channelling funds through local financial intermediaries to target groups and support financial sector development
  • Are asset managers looking for more blended finance projects?

Martin Gahr, Head of Corporate Development, BlueOrchard

Deepshikha Singh, Head of stewardship, La Francaise Asset Management
Hans Mehn, Partner, Generation Investment Management GIM
Katherine Stodulka, Partner, Director Blended Finance Taskforce, Systemiq
Maya Hennerkes, Director, Green Finance Systems, Climate Strategy & Delivery, EBRD


Panel: Investing in biodiversity

  • Understanding biodiversity and identifying opportunities to invest in
  • Integrating biodiversity into the investment process to identify and manage risks and What are the barriers to entry?
  • How can investors identify biodiversity criteria to help identify investments to protect and rehabilitate biodiversity and eco systems
  • How is biodiversity accounting understood and applied?

Andrea Snavely, Director of Climate Change, Terraformation
Opening 5-minute presentation by Mirova

Anne-Laurence Roucher, Deputy-CEO of Mirova, Head of Natural Capital and Private Equity, Mirova
Helen Crowley, Partner, Pollination
Lauren Ferstandig, Managing Director, NatureVest, The Nature Conservancy
Nick Sebrell, Sector Head for Energy, Materials and Utilities in Corporate Ratings Research, ISS ESG



Chair’s closing remarks and drinks reception

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