


Chairman’s Opening Address


Welcome keynote: The big picture

Darryl Chan, Executive Director (External) / Executive Director (Corporate Services), Hong Kong Monetary Authority


Keynote: Green bonds to build resilience in a new risk landscape

  • If you don't know what's at risk, why would you protect it. What happens at 3°C in the Greater Bay Area? How vulnerable is it to water and climate threats?
  • Are governments doing anything to build resilience?
  • Mapping exposure can help accelerate the green bond market for aggressive mitigation and prioritise adaptation action

Debra Tan, Director & Head, CWR


Panel: Taxonomies and standards – ensuring they work together to encourage maximum investment and issuance

  • How are different markets developing in their own standards and how do these compare?
  • How are investors and issuers thinking about them; are the resolving questions or creating confusion?
  • In what ways are green bond standards converging on a global scale?
  • Are the proposed EU taxonomies expected to have a positive long-term market impact or do concerns remain? Are similar approaches likely to follow in Asia?

Dr Guo Peiyuan, Chairman, SynTao Green Finance; Co-Founder and General Manager, SynTao
Ir C. S. Ho, Deputy Chairman, Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency
Ivy Lau
, General Manager, Climate Bonds Initiative

Moderator: Juliette Macresy, Head of Greater China and South East Asia Market, Vigeo Eiris


Morning networking break


Issuer perspective – what developments are issuers hoping to see from the market?

  • Experiences from issuers from different sectors
  • What continues to deter potential issuers from entering the market and how can this be assuaged?
  • Are issuers seeing a pricing advantage yet? Or are green bonds becoming the curve and brown bonds trading at a discount?

David Pang, Treasurer, MTR Corporation
John Ho Hon-ming
, CFO & Company Secretary, The Hong Kong and China Gas Co
Keith Ng
, Head of Capital Markets, Link Reit
Dr Raymond Yau
, General Manager, Technical Services & Sustainable Development, Swire Properties
Roman Novozhilov, Chief, Head of Policy and Project Support, The New Development Bank

Moderator: Dominique Duval, Executive Director and Head of Asia Sustainable Banking, Credit Agricole CIB


Investor perspective – how ESG contributes to investment decisions in fixed income and green bonds

  • Capturing and processing ESG information as it relates to green bonds
  • Disclosure requirements: how are institutional investors and asset managers integrating ESG factors in their risk processes and decision-making
  • How can investors achieve diversification in the green bond market?
  • What is important to investors from a certification point of view? Are they concerned by a lack of standardization?
  • How compelling are investors finding social and sustainable bonds relative to green bonds?
  • Is Bond Connect a solution for investors?

Alexandra Tracy, Founder and President, Hoi Ping Ventures
Grace Ng, Director, Senior Fixed Income Portfolio Manager, Ping An Asset Management (Hong Kong)
Jean-Marie Masse
, Chief Investment Officer, IFC
Pratima Divgi, Director, CDP (formerly Climate Disclosure Project)

Moderator: Chaoni Huang, Head of Sustainable Capital Markets, Global Markets APAC, BNP Paribas




Case Study: The business case for green financing

  • Is green financing good for the issuer and investor? Why?
  • Are green bonds a good way for asset managers to meet their ESG commitments?

Boris Moutier, Hong Kong and Asia Chief Investment Officer, AXA Hong Kong and Asia


Panel: Sustainable loans - green loans and sustainability linked loans

  • How are the Green Loan Principles and Sustainability Linked Loan Principles being adopted by borrowers and banks?
  • What are the advantages of Green and Sustainability Linked Loans vis a vis ordinary loans?
  • What are the challenges?
  • The potential for Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific region

Anna-Marie Slot, Partner, Ashurst
Nicholas Gandolfo
, Associate Director of Sustainable Finance Solutions, Sustainalytics
Rosamund Barker, Head of Legal, Asia Pacific Loan Market Association
Tess Virmani, Associate General Counsel, Public Policy, Loan Syndications and Trading Association

Moderator: Jonathan Drew, Managing Director, Sustainable Finance in Real Assets & Structured Finance Group, HSBC


Panel: Asia – the key to spurring the next wave of growth

  • Harnessing the innovation that exists in the market
  • The regulation of green bonds – is self regulation sufficient
  • Is there a role for the UN's SDGs
  • What is the role of the regulators
  • How do we take the message of green bonds to the fixed income market as a whole

Leonie Kelly, Project Director, Sustainable Finance initiative (SFi)
Dr Nadira Lamrad, Assistant Director, Sustainability & ESG Advisory, Business Environment Council
Tracy Wong Harris, Deputy Secretary General, Hong Kong Green Finance Association

Moderator: Vivek Pathak, Director, East Asia & the Pacific, IFC


Chairman's closing remarks and coffee

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