Chairman’s Opening Address
Welcome keynote: The big picture
Darryl Chan, Executive Director (External) / Executive Director (Corporate Services), Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Keynote: Green bonds to build resilience in a new risk landscape
- If you don't know what's at risk, why would you protect it. What happens at 3°C in the Greater Bay Area? How vulnerable is it to water and climate threats?
- Are governments doing anything to build resilience?
- Mapping exposure can help accelerate the green bond market for aggressive mitigation and prioritise adaptation action
Debra Tan, Director & Head, CWR
Panel: Taxonomies and standards – ensuring they work together to encourage maximum investment and issuance
- How are different markets developing in their own standards and how do these compare?
- How are investors and issuers thinking about them; are the resolving questions or creating confusion?
- In what ways are green bond standards converging on a global scale?
- Are the proposed EU taxonomies expected to have a positive long-term market impact or do concerns remain? Are similar approaches likely to follow in Asia?
Dr Guo Peiyuan, Chairman, SynTao Green Finance; Co-Founder and General Manager, SynTao
Ir C. S. Ho, Deputy Chairman, Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency
Ivy Lau, General Manager, Climate Bonds Initiative
Moderator: Juliette Macresy, Head of Greater China and South East Asia Market, Vigeo Eiris
Morning networking break
Issuer perspective – what developments are issuers hoping to see from the market?
- Experiences from issuers from different sectors
- What continues to deter potential issuers from entering the market and how can this be assuaged?
- Are issuers seeing a pricing advantage yet? Or are green bonds becoming the curve and brown bonds trading at a discount?
David Pang, Treasurer, MTR Corporation
John Ho Hon-ming, CFO & Company Secretary, The Hong Kong and China Gas Co
Keith Ng, Head of Capital Markets, Link Reit
Dr Raymond Yau, General Manager, Technical Services & Sustainable Development, Swire Properties
Roman Novozhilov, Chief, Head of Policy and Project Support, The New Development Bank
Moderator: Dominique Duval, Executive Director and Head of Asia Sustainable Banking, Credit Agricole CIB
Investor perspective – how ESG contributes to investment decisions in fixed income and green bonds
- Capturing and processing ESG information as it relates to green bonds
- Disclosure requirements: how are institutional investors and asset managers integrating ESG factors in their risk processes and decision-making
- How can investors achieve diversification in the green bond market?
- What is important to investors from a certification point of view? Are they concerned by a lack of standardization?
- How compelling are investors finding social and sustainable bonds relative to green bonds?
- Is Bond Connect a solution for investors?
Alexandra Tracy, Founder and President, Hoi Ping Ventures
Grace Ng, Director, Senior Fixed Income Portfolio Manager, Ping An Asset Management (Hong Kong)
Jean-Marie Masse, Chief Investment Officer, IFC
Pratima Divgi, Director, CDP (formerly Climate Disclosure Project)
Moderator: Chaoni Huang, Head of Sustainable Capital Markets, Global Markets APAC, BNP Paribas
Case Study: The business case for green financing
- Is green financing good for the issuer and investor? Why?
- Are green bonds a good way for asset managers to meet their ESG commitments?
Boris Moutier, Hong Kong and Asia Chief Investment Officer, AXA Hong Kong and Asia
Panel: Sustainable loans - green loans and sustainability linked loans
- How are the Green Loan Principles and Sustainability Linked Loan Principles being adopted by borrowers and banks?
- What are the advantages of Green and Sustainability Linked Loans vis a vis ordinary loans?
- What are the challenges?
- The potential for Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific region
Anna-Marie Slot, Partner, Ashurst
Nicholas Gandolfo, Associate Director of Sustainable Finance Solutions, Sustainalytics
Rosamund Barker, Head of Legal, Asia Pacific Loan Market Association
Tess Virmani, Associate General Counsel, Public Policy, Loan Syndications and Trading Association
Moderator: Jonathan Drew, Managing Director, Sustainable Finance in Real Assets & Structured Finance Group, HSBC
Panel: Asia – the key to spurring the next wave of growth
- Harnessing the innovation that exists in the market
- The regulation of green bonds – is self regulation sufficient
- Is there a role for the UN's SDGs
- What is the role of the regulators
- How do we take the message of green bonds to the fixed income market as a whole
Leonie Kelly, Project Director, Sustainable Finance initiative (SFi)
Dr Nadira Lamrad, Assistant Director, Sustainability & ESG Advisory, Business Environment Council
Tracy Wong Harris, Deputy Secretary General, Hong Kong Green Finance Association
Moderator: Vivek Pathak, Director, East Asia & the Pacific, IFC
Chairman's closing remarks and coffee