Green Bonds Asia

Singapore Exchange • 2 Shenton Way, #02-02 SGX Centre 1, Singapore 068804

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The global green bond market has grown rapidly over the past few years — totaling more than $150 billion in 2017 – creating new green markets and demonstrating a strong push to tackle climate change.

IFC—a sister organization of the World Bank and member of the World Bank Group, was one of the earliest issuers of green bonds and launched a program in 2010 to help catalyze the market. They issued two benchmark $1 billion issues in 2013 which at the time set records as the largest green bonds issued in the market.
Not only are they major issuers of green bonds but they are also a major investor in green bonds, and within the next two years, 28 percent of their annual financing will be climate-related. 
A key aim of IFC is to develop innovative financing products to encourage climate-related investments through capital markets. IFC has been proactively helping emerging-market issuers tap into the green bond market by investing in the bond or providing credit enhancement to the bonds. 
In March this year, IFC, together with Amundi, launched the world's largest targeted green bond fund focused on emerging markets (The Amundi Planet Emerging Green One), to deploy a total of $2 billion over its seven-year lifetime. The fund's mission is to help scale up green bonds in emerging markets by encouraging local banks to refinance their green loans with green bonds.
It is against this backdrop that IFC is hosting a one-day conference in partnership with Environmental Finance to provide insights, share best practices, and provide a platform to network – in order to support banks in the ASEAN region to issue green bonds. 
The conference is will be held at Singapore Exchange on June 7th.

This conference is invitation only - to request an invitation please email to:

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