Green Bonds Americas 2016

October 25, 2016

Environmental Finance is pleased to announce that our second annual Green Bonds America conference will be held on October 25 at Bloomberg LP's world headquarters in New York.

The conference is developed in partnership with Bloomberg LP.

The American green bond market has continued its rapid march to maturity in recent months.

In February, corporate giant Apple issued a $1.5 billion green bond in a "tremendous boost" to the fledgling market's prospects for attracting corporate issuers.

The US has also seen new issuances from municipalities, power companies and other corporates; meanwhile one of the largest renewables bonds ever issued in Canada has raised $613 million.

In Latin America, Mexican development bank Nafin has tapped the green bond market with a issuance of $500 million in a deal that was five-times oversubscribed – the transaction demonstrated that green bonds were an effective way to channel money into environmental projects in the region.

Green Bond Americas 2016 will cover trends and opportunities in this fast-growing market, with keynote presentations and panel discussions on topics such as:

  • The evolution of the sustainability and social bond market
  • How to understand and manage green bond risks
  • The outlook for corporate green bonds
  • Opportunities in bonds to finance green infrastructure
  • The potential for green project bonds
  • Latin America's emerging green bond market
  • The rise of green bond funds
  • Innovative green bond products and future market outlook

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