Forest Finance & Sustainability Conference 2016

13 July 2016, London

Simmons & Simmons • CityPoint, 1 Ropemaker St, London EC2Y 9SS



Registration & coffee


OPENING KEYNOTE: Climate change and worldwide implications for businesses and investors

Holt Thrasher, CEO, Permian Global


KEYNOTE ADDRESS: The Outlook for Sustainable Forest Finance and Investment

David Brand, Chief Executive Officer, New Forests


PANEL DISCUSSION: Strategies and innovative financing mechanisms for forestry investing

  • Forestry within the investment portfolio – capital preservation or inflation hedge?
  • The forestry investment landscape explained: who is buying what and why (financial instruments and types of deals)
  • Why investors are keen on real assets
  • Emerging investment products (green bonds, agroforestry etc)
  • How to de-risk investment in climate finance

GianPaolo Potsios, Partner, Timberland Investment Resources Europe
Joost Oorthuizen
, Executive Director at IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative
Roger Naylor
, Forestry - Chief Operating Officer, FIM Services Ltd
Stephen Rumsey
, Chairman, Permian Global
Moderator: Jane Feehan, Senior Forestry Specialist, European Investment Bank


Morning coffee break


PANEL DISCUSSION: Managing risks and returns within global forestry

  • The critical factors in generating optimal investment returns
  • How conservation finance - integrating forestry, biomass and eco-systems services - is delivering new industry revenue streams
  • Mitigating economic, currency, physical and other risks inherent to this sector
  • Where to invest - regional investment considerations and opportunities

Andrew Mitchell, Founder Director, Global Canopy Programme
Darius Sarshar, Consultant, SLM Partners
Jeffrey Hatcher, Managing Director, Indufor North America
Moderator: Hugh Humfrey, Partner, Timberland Investment Resources Europe


PANEL DISCUSSION: Sustainability criteria, standards and certification for forestry and biomass

  • The sustainability and transparency issues facing the forest products and biomass supply chain
  • Strategies for defining, measuring and achieving sustainability
  • The role of standards and certification processes

Andrew Heald, Technical Director, Confederation of Forest Industries
Joost Kanen
, Director, Gryphon Carbon Consulting
Marcel Silvius
, Programme Head Climate-Smart Land Use, Wetlands International
Thorsten Arndt, Head of Communications, PEFC
Moderator: Julia Young, Manager, Global Forest and Trade Network - UK, WWF


PRESENTATION: Promoting investments in productive forests for achieving green growth and climate goals

Gerhard Dieterle, Forests Adviser and Program Manager for FIP and DGM, Sustainable Development Network (World Bank)


Lunch break


PANEL DISCUSSION: Anti-deforestation developments post COP21 and market implications

  • The industry initiatives to combat deforestation that are changing the forestry investment landscape (Soft Commodities Compact, UNEP FI, Natural Capital Declaration)
  • The Paris Climate Agreement and sustainability goals: a pipe dream or a realistic solution?
  • The future of carbon-offsetting and the role of REDD+. Are carbon credits an investable asset and will the aviation industry be a game changer?
  • Walking the tight-rope: the stakeholder dynamics across the private sector, NGOs, governments and multilaterals

Anders Nordheim, Programme Co-ordinator for Biodiversity, Ecosystems Services and Water, UNEP FI
Christian del Valle
, Founder and Managing Partner, Althelia Ecosphere
Mark Eadie, Head of Environmental and Social Risk Management, Standard Chartered
Naomi Swickard
, Director, Land-based Frameworks, Verified Carbon Standard
Moderator: Jane Wilkinson, Director, Climate Policy Initiative


CASE STUDY: Peatland Restoration and Conservation Project

Stephen Rumsey, Chairman, Permian Global


Coffee break


CASE STUDY: Delivering landscape financing in San Martin, Peru

Alexandra Pinzon, Project Lead Unlocking Forest Finance, Global Canopy Programme


CLOSING PANEL: The future for forestry and its role as a sustainable solution

  • Are the commitments to sustainability by governments, investors and companies going far enough?
  • What is needed to drive sustainable forestry forward?
  • What are the predictions regarding the forestry investment sector in the next five years?

Adrian Rimmer, President, Climate Markets and Investment Association
David Brand, Chief Executive Officer, New Forests
Meryam Omi
, Head of Sustainability, Legal & General Investment Management
Pat Snowdon
, Head of Economics and Climate Change, Forestry Commission
Moderator: Chris Knight, Assistant Director Sustainability & Climate Change, PricewaterhouseCoopers


Concluding Remarks

Adrian Rimmer, President, Climate Markets and Investment Association


End of conference and drinks reception