Embracing the Potential: A deep dive into Sustainability-Linked Loans (SLLs) and Bonds (SLBs)

6-7 November 2023


DAY ONE: 6 November (half day) 13.30 GMT – 17.00 GMT / 08.30 EST – 12.00 EST

Characteristics and Market of SLLs and SLBs

  • What are the standards and principles guiding these instruments?
  • What is the latest on SLL and SLB markets and pricing?
  • Exercise: How does being a 'sustainability-linked' instrument impact the pricing of a bond?

Selecting and Evaluating SLLs and SLBs

  • How to select KPIs that are relevant and strategic at a sector and company level?
  • How to define robust sustainability performance targets (SPTs)?
  • What is the latest on standardization of KPIs and SPTs?
  • Exercise: How to advise on KPI and SPT selection?

DAY TWO: 7 November (half-day) 13.30 GMT – 17.00 GMT / 08.30 EST – 12.00 EST

Reporting and Verification

  • What are the market expectations on reporting?
  • What are the different verifications that exist and how do they compare?
  • What are the rising concerns around greenwashing and declassification, and how to avoid them?
  • Discussion: How is the definition of greenwashing changing, and what are the implications to SLLs and SLBs?

Structuring and Issuing Process

  • How does the issuing of sustainability-linked bonds differ from that of green, social and sustainability bonds?
  • How are banks and clients engaging to set SLLs?
  • Who are the players defining the market going forward?
  • Discussion: How to effectively engage internal stakeholders on SLB/SLL?